Top Gear Christmas Specials Axed

Top Gear bosses have ditched plans to make two Christmas specials in order to focus on restoring the show to its former glory.


Credit: (WENN)

Following the news that Chris Evans walked away from the BBC Two motoring show and ratings have plummeted, BBC bosses have decided to cancel production on the episodes and concentrate on winning viewers back on the next series.

A source told The Daily Star: “We need to focus on making sure we have a great series to come back with in 2017. So all our energies are on that.”

The news will disappoint fans, who also missed out on a traditional Top Gear special in 2015.

Traditionally the episode would see the presenters – formerly Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond – travel to an international location for a thrilling road trip. The last special aired in 2014, when the trio went to Argentina for the Patagonia Special.


Credit: BBC

In 2015, a Top Gear Christmas special titled Top Gear A-Z was put together and consisted of clips from the last 22 series, to mark the end of an era for Jeremy and co.

Meanwhile, Matt LeBlanc will lead the next series but his old colleague has thrown his full support behind the Friends star.

Chris said in his column for the Mail: “For me, he is the man. He is the captain Top Gear truly needs going forward, the perfect torso for the rest of TG’s limbs.”