Tories shouldn’t have ousted Boris Johnson, admits Zahawi

Nadhim Zahawi said he wished the Tories 'had held our nerve'
Nadhim Zahawi said he wished the Tories 'had held our nerve' - Victoria Jones/PA

Nadhim Zahawi, the former chancellor, has said the Conservatives were wrong to oust Boris Johnson and called him the “most consequential leader since Thatcher”.

In his first newspaper interview since leaving the Cabinet, Mr Zahawi revealed he had told Mr Johnson that, unless he was prepared to quit on his own terms, “they are going to drag your carcass out of this place”.

They had a meeting on the evening of July 6 2022 after a series of ministers decided to resign in protest at the then prime minister’s handling of the Chris Pincher scandal.

The next afternoon, Mr Johnson revealed that he was standing down and said in his speech: “When the herd moves, it moves.”

In an interview with the Sunday Times, Mr Zahawi said: “I wish we had held our nerve. Many colleagues got spooked. If colleagues had stepped back and just realised Twitter was not the country, we’d have probably made a very different decision.”

He has written his memoirs, The Boy from Baghdad: My Journey from Waziriyah to Westminster, which focus on his childhood in Iraq. At the age of 11, he fled to Britain with his family to escape Saddam Hussein’s regime. The book is due to be published in August.

Mr Zahawi said: “[What] I have tried to address … is there are no superhumans in politics. We are all fallible.”

The MP for Stratford-on-Avon has taken the decision to stand down after 14 years in Westminster, and said: “The heart said keep going, it’s one of the best seats in Parliament.

“The head said you got to Number 11 Downing Street, that’s a pretty good achievement. It’s time to let someone younger, more energetic, able to fight a really tough election … and of course, I think I’ve got at least a couple more decades before they put me out to grass, to do exciting things.”

He is the 64th Conservative MP to take the decision to step down ahead of the general election, but denied his decision was linked to the performance of Rishi Sunak and underlined that it was a “tight and hard” path to Conservative victory.

He said he would like to see Mr Sunak go into the election and make a number of pledges including abolishing inheritance tax, which he described as having “perverse outcomes and incentives” and that some entrepreneurs had to take the decision to “sell their businesses too early.”