The town that always votes Labour but is split on what Labour should be

Statue of former Labour Prime Minister and ex-MP for Huyton, Harold Wilson
-Credit: (Image: LDRS)

Ever since the constituency was first created in 1950, Huyton has always voted Labour.

The area was famously represented by former two-term Prime Minister Harold Wilson who served as the local MP for 33 years before the constituency was dissolved in 1983. Wilson contested 10 elections and finished with over 50% of the vote in every election bar one - the first one.

To commemorate his service, there is a statue of him at the top of Huyton Village which can cast a rather long shadow when the sun starts to set. Like today, Mr Wilson's time in government was set against a backdrop of divisiveness, questions on Europe and public uncertainty in their political representatives.

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This tumult was reflected in the elections during the 1960s and 1970s with Harold Wilson becoming PM in each of those two decades - only after very narrow election results including a hung parliament in 1974. Although polling experts are predicting a more definite result in the 2024 General Election, issues of divisiveness, Europe and public trust are as pronounced as ever before.

All the indicators point to Labour retaining their parliamentary seat for Knowsley, but for the first time in 14 years, that member will not be George Howarth. Mr Howarth announced he is stepping down from politics earlier this year and the local Labour Party have now selected Anneliese Midgley as their new parliamentary candidate.

If elected, Ms Midgley will have the job of representing a constituency which has struggled during Tory rule. It includes some of the most deprived areas in the country and there is a feeling among some residents they have been punished due to their historic support of Labour. They also hope a Labour government will provide the much-needed investment to improve conditions for everyone in the area.

'Development Opportunity' for land adjacent to the Asda supermarket
'Development Opportunity' for land adjacent to the Asda supermarket -Credit:LDRS

Alec and Norma are two people who express exactly this viewpoint. They have come into the village for a spot of shopping and to enjoy the sunshine, but are happy to give their view on the upcoming general election.

Alec describes a sense of frustration with central government and the 'very real impact' they have at local level. He is referencing the recent council tax rise by Knowsley Council which he said is entirely down to a shortfall in funding from the government. "Knowsley Council get the least amount of money from the Tory government despite it being one of the most deprived boroughs in the entire country.

"The Prime Minister said it himself...he's reworked it to make sure the Conservative areas get more of the money."

Alec believes funding cuts can have a profound impact on a local community and highlights the closures of sure starts centres, libraries and leisure facilities like swimming pools. He said: "The Tories are deliberately doing this.

"Nothing works in this country anymore and when I'm abroad, I'm almost ashamed to say I'm British now. Other countries take pride in their railways, their hospitals, their schools. It seems this government wants to make them worse."

Although Alec has respect for Keir Starmer he is sceptical about how much of an impact he can have because the Conservatives have let 'everything go to ruin'. Nonetheless, Alec also wanted to give the younger generations a positive message. He said: "Never give up hope.

"I'm 83 and I know things can be better because I've seen it with my own eyes."

Alec doing a bit of shopping in Huyton Village
Alec doing a bit of shopping in Huyton Village -Credit:LDRS

Ted moved to Huyton around 30 years ago and said he's watching the election race with a keen interest. He is hoping for a Labour landslide victory but hopes the backbenchers will be active in trying to shift the party more to the left.

For Ted, this election is not about one or two things, it's about 'everything' and he would like to see a serious discussion on what he says are the real issue impacting people's lives. He said: "Things have to be addressed and policies should reflect the actual problems.

"If the 'boats' stop tomorrow, does that mean we've got more doctors, more dentists and the NHS fixed? Does it mean we'll get a real living wage? Does it mean food banks will be obsolete?

"Or is 'stop the boats' just a distracting single narrative - like the 'woke agenda' - so that no one gets around to thinking about the realities people are facing - be it mortgage owners or people on welfare."

In this regard, Ted would like to see Keir Starmer be a bit bolder and start defining himself as a leader who recognises people's every day concerns. Asked what type of policy he would like to see Mr Starmer adopt, Ted said: "I want more focus on the things that can be achieved and which directly help people.

"Something like adopting a policy which would end no fault evictions. It's a policy which costs nothing but would help so many people and bring security back to those who are living in fear and uncertainty."

Insecurity is a theme which comes up on a number of occasions while we talk to people in the village including concerns about housing, jobs and public services. There's also the immediate and very real concern of financial uncertainty.

Steven has lived in Huyton all his life and he's very clear on what the priority is for him at this General Election. He said: "It's the cost of living crisis.

"Bills and costs are going through the roof and there's no sign of it ending."

Steven has been keeping up with the election race and says he has always voted Labour, but doesn't feel he can vote for them this time around. Asked why, Steven said Labour don't seem to represent the working class people in Huyton. He added: "None of them seem to be able to understand what we are going through. They all come off as the same to me."

The sense of each of the political parties being too similar to differentiate is also a common complaint.

Michael Kelly is a lifelong resident of Huyton, is enjoying his retirement and describes himself as a contented man. Michael believes a lot has improved in the area and believes there's been a significant drop in anti-social behaviour and crime. Michael said he wants to see more investment in public services and funds to improve the lives of younger people.

Bowring Park's future 'secured' after long-term deal with council
Bowring Park's future 'secured' after long-term deal with council -Credit:LIVERPOOL ECHO

Nonetheless, Michael is less than impressed by what he's seen from the leaders of all parties and said they seem more focused on personal attacks rather than policy. He said: "They all seem to be sniping on each other and trying to knock each other off their perches. None of that will help the country."

There are also very hopeful perspectives and a robust belief in the power of people and the bonds they share; especially when it comes to the resoluteness and togetherness of the people who live in Huyton.

Hayley Bates works in Hays Travel agent in the village and describes Huyton as having a very strong sense of community. She said: "The people are lovely and I love living here.

Village Green community cafe in Huyton Village
Village Green community cafe in Huyton Village -Credit:LDRS

"I can't say I follow politics too closely but I care a lot about my community. I'd describe myself as a hopeful person and there's some positive things going on here, but it's impossible not to notice some of the negative things that are happening."

Hayley describes stories about NHS waiting times and people waiting on trolleys in hospital corridors as 'absolutely shocking and it has to stop'. She has also seen the strain of things at a local level. Hayley added: "People have been struggling.

"I have a family and raise my kids here and it's sad that libraries have closed and Christmas events - family events - have stopped in recent years. That's all down to money so I hope the borough will get more in the future because it's desperately needed."

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