Town centre to change forever as shopping centre can be demolished

Plans for the regeneration of Newcastle town centre have moved another step closer after plans to demolish York Place were given the green light by councillors. The plans involve demolishing part of the existing structure.

A planning application has yet to be submitted for the redevelopment of the site for a mixed residential and retail building. It is expected that it will be submitted imminently.

This application allows for the demolition of part of the existing structure of York Place. One of the key issues was the impact on the conservation area in the town centre.

A Heritage Statement that accompanies the application states that the existing complex of buildings within the site does not contribute to the character or appearance of the conservation area. Councillors raised a potential concern over when the demolition would take place and the potential impact on Remembrance Sunday.

READ: Shopping centre demolition set for go-ahead as consultation launched York Place in Newcastle is set to be turned into 50 flats along with shops, bars and cafes

READ: Plans lodged for shopping centre where every retailer has been kicked out Newcastle's York Place site is set to be redeveloped to create new apartments

Councillor Andy Fear commented: “As someone who was keen on seeing the demise of this building last time round I’m happy to support this application. There is one thing I’ve already raised with officers, I raised this last time when we had a different proposal in front of us.

“But manifestly adjacent to this building is of course the towns cenotaph and I think we do need to discuss with the developer, I suspect the developer will be more than happy do do this, that were these works be in place in November that the hoardings will be of a respectful sort at that juncture and the serious ambiance of remembrance day will be preserved while those works are being done.”

Councillor John Williams agreed with Councillor Fear and added: “I'm a little bit concerned with the taking up of the footways, at the Ryecroft they’ve taken quite a lot of the footway up. So I’ll be watching that to make sure there is enough room for people to walk through and people with disabilities on their mobility scooter.”

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