‘Toxic’ – Adams speaks out after USA teammates are subjected to racist abuse

Tyler Adams is currently at Copa America with USA <i>(Image: Richard Crease)</i>
Tyler Adams is currently at Copa America with USA (Image: Richard Crease)

TYLER Adams described social media as “toxic”, adding how racist abuse towards players has become “normal” in the modern day.

The United States Soccer Federation released a statement last week condemning racist comments directed towards some of their players after a 2-1 defeat to Panama at Copa America.

It follows a Canadian player reporting similar abuse earlier in the tournament.

Asked what goes through his mind when he sees such things, Cherries and USA midfielder Adams said: “I don't really know where to even begin on the topic.

“It's normal at this point - it's normal. I don't think anyone could play a bad game, let alone a good game, and not have something on social media afterwards.

“So for me personally, I don't even use social media - not for that specific reason, but just for the fact that it's just toxic everywhere, no matter where you look.

"It's disappointing when players on our team obviously have faced that, Canadian players, whoever it is.

“It's just so unnecessary and unneeded in the space of football because football brings so many positive moments for everybody.

"Everybody loves the game for so many different reasons. And the fact that we´ve allowed this to creep into the game, it's just horrible."