Toyah Battersby's life takes dramatic turn on Coronation Street with health scare

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-Credit: (Image: (Image: ITV))

Coronation Street's Toyah Battersby, portrayed by Georgia Taylor, has been facing a tough time on the cobbles recently. From dealing with resurfaced grief over her baby Rose's death years ago to conflicts with her sister Leanne Battersby, played by Jane Danson, life hasn't been smooth sailing for her.

Unfortunately, it appears that things are set to worsen as official spoilers from the ITV soap hint at some unwelcome news heading her way. Her week begins on a sour note when she catches Leanne showing Amy Barlow, played by Elle Mulvaney, a video from the institute.

Shocked, she realises her sister is contemplating investing in the company, which she firmly believes is a scam. Later, she confides in Nick Tilsley, played by Ben Price, about severe stomach pains she's experiencing.

When he comes home from work later that day, he's taken aback to find Toyah writhing in pain on the floor. He rushes her to the hospital, where both he and Leanne are present when the doctor delivers some startling news.

However, it seems the revelations don't end there as Toyah is left stunned when the doctor delivers another unexpected piece of news. While it's unclear what's wrong with Toyah, viewers think they've figured out an upcoming plot line that could permanently drive a wedge between the sisters.

In recent episodes, fans have observed Toyah and Nick growing closer due to their shared concern for Leanne and her involvement with the Institute.

Nick and Leanne have been at odds over her support of Rowan Cunliffe (Emrhys Cooper), with Nick confiding in Toyah about their ongoing disagreements.

The friendship took a scandalous turn recently when they were seen sharing a passionate kiss, which led to them sleeping together. Audience reaction was quick, with predictions flying on Twitter that Toyah might end up pregnant as a result of this plot twist.

User @HelenAPat tweeted: "Get ready for Toyah to be pregnant," whereas @Lauracroft1Lc seemed to echo the same thoughts with: "Does anyone else think Toyah will now get pregnant carrying Nick's baby?"

Yet another user, @Simy_78, echoed similar predictions: "Toyah is going to end up pregnant with Nick's baby isn't she?" while @UDjoking suggested: "I really wouldn't put it past them having Toyah become pregnant after that bit of afternoon delight."

Similarly, @LyndseyFitz posited: "I can see a future storyline for Nick and Toyah, After all these years of infertility she will probably become pregnant after sleeping with Nick! !"

Another viewer speculated: "Ooh is #corrie gonna be predictable and Toyah will get pregnant? I reckon so. #CoronationStreet."

Is an unplanned pregnancy scandal about to reveal Nick and Toyah's clandestine affair?