Tragic death of 'amazing' son remains a mystery due to decomposition

Josh Conlon was just 31 when he died
Josh Conlon was just 31 when he died -Credit:Facebook

The circumstances of a Preston man's death remain a mystery after his body was found in a state of decomposition.

Josh John Conlon was found dead at his home in Eversleigh Street on February 2 of this year. Despite post mortem tests the cause of his death could not be ascertained due to the advanced state of decomposition.

At an inquest held at Preston Coroner's Court on Wednesday May 8 Assistant Coroner Richard Taylor described how an investigation had been launched on February 13. Josh's body had been found the week before.


The coroner was unable to determine how Josh, who was just 31, had died. Josh, who was born in Preston in 1992, previously worked behind the bar at Preston North End FC but was unemployed at the time of his death.

The coroner concluded: "Joshua John Conlon was found dead on February 2, 2024 at his home however no cause of death could be ascertained due to decomposition."

In tributes posted on Facebook after Josh's death friends described him as an "amazing person". One wrote: "RIP Josh - at peace now sweet guy."