Trans Edinburgh prisoner claims to be 'hate crime victim' behind bars

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Bryson's issues at HMP Edinburgh are detailed in a hand written letter to the Sunday Mail. -Credit:No credit

Double rapist Isla Bryson claims to be the victim of a hate crime because Edinburgh jail staff are preventing the trans prisoner from wearing make-up.

The sex offender has also received an apology after complaining about being "misgendered" and being called "son" by a female member of staff.

Bryson is one of Scotland's most high profile prisoners because of a political storm caused by the rapist's initial imprisonment in women's prison, Corton Vale.

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It was claimed the controversy contributed to the resignation of Nicola Sturgeon last year as first minister as she was unable to clarify her view on the rapist being a man or a woman.


Bryson's issues at HMP Edinburgh are detailed in a hand written letter to the Sunday Mail.

The 32-year-old from Clydebank said: "I'm just dealing with transphobia from staff."

"I was told from a staff member in Edinburgh that the MSP has been telling governors to treat trans women that come into the SPS like men."

"It's disgusting and a hate crime."

The double rapist also moaned about being unable to use female toiletries and makeup but also boasted of having breasts and now having a female voice.

Bryson wrote: "They refuse to put any female toiletries or makeup out."

"I am on blockers just now. I have boobs. I don't sound like a man anymore."

HMP Glenochil governor Natalie Beal, wrote to Bryson, to apologise last month.

In the letter, she states that following the incident in which a member of staff called Bryson "son", the SPS officer immediately "apologised after realising their mistake".


The governor went on to state that a separate unclear incident involving a metal detector was an oversight by a prison officer who "may not have realised" at the time that Bryson was a trans prisoner.

Beal added: "We do apologise if you felt disrespected but we do not believe that would have been the intention of the officer concerned."

The letter states that during the probe, Bryson was unable to state the date, time or name of officers involved in either incident. Neither involved any witnesses.

Bryson's complaints have come to light weeks after the Scottish Government's new Hate Crime law came into force.

Under the legislation, anyone who feels a crime has been committed can make a complaint anonymously through an online portal and don't have to speak directly to the police.


The SPS has previously said it is committed to a culture of equality of opportunity and diversity.

The Sunday Mail understands that as standard the SPS has a variety of clothing, including unisex, to fit individual prisoners.

Bryson, was convicted in January last year at the High Court in Glasgow of raping one woman in Clydebank in 2016 and another in nearby Drumchapel in 2019, while known as Graham.

The former DJ had first appeared under his male name but, while on bail, had started to identify as a woman and appeared for trial under the name Isla Bryson.

In February an eight-year sentence was imposed at the High Court in Edinburgh, with a further three years on licence.

The rapist was later moved out of Cornton Vale and into HMP Edinburgh following the political storm.

In the latest letter, Bryson also admitted having a five-month long relationship with fellow prisoner who was jailed for six years in 2019 for child sex abuse and drug offences as well as a three-week relationship with an inmate called Colin.


The double rapist also wrote: "I want to make this clear, I don't like women, I'm only into men."

We told in July how Bryson had hit out over having to wear men's clothes in prison and being dubbed Mrs Doubtfire by fellow cons in HMP Edinburgh.

Rhona Hotchkiss, a former governor for Cornton Vale said: "Misgendering is not a hate crime and that has become clear since the silly hate crime law came into force."

"People have been doing it left, right and centre and have not been prosecuted."

"Also last year Humza Yousaf himself said 'he is at it' of Adam Graham Isla Bryson so I would suggest if the SPS think that's any kind of a crime they should take it up with Mr Yousaf and see what he thinks."

A Scottish Prison Service spokesperson said: "We do not comment on individuals."