Tree Falls Across Australian Roadway Seconds After Car Drives Past

A motorist driving down a street in Queanbeyan, Australia – about 10 miles southeast of Canberra – made a lucky escape on May 3, when a falling tree barely missed their car.

Video recorded by Sian Rinaldi’s home security camera shows the white vehicle driving past her house as a tall pine tree begins to topple across the road.

“The driver didn’t stop, but it was super loud,” Rinaldi told Storyful. “My partner came out after hearing it to help direct traffic.”

Rinaldi said that heavy rain in the area had softened the ground, which made trees prone to tipping in heavy wind. She added that it was the first time she witnessed such a spectacle in the neighborhood since moving in.


The New South Wales State Emergency Service’s Queanbeyan Unit uploaded the footage to Facebook as a reminder that motorists should not park their vehicles under trees during storms. Credit: Sian Rinaldi via Storyful

Video transcript