I tried the Liverpool restaurant visited by Orlando Bloom and he has good taste

Four hobbits and an elf walk into a restaurant - it sounds like the start of a knock-knock joke, but it was the reality for one Liverpool venue just last week.

New Capital on Nelson Street in the city centre was graced by film stars Orlando Bloom, Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd, Sean Astin and Dom Monaghan, all known for their roles in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy. They dined inside on May 4, as they were in the city for Liverpool Comic Con.

The ECHO previously reported how, on Friday, May 3, ahead of their appearances at the convention, the stars were also spotted having something to eat and drink at Belzan, on Smithdown Road.

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Sean Astin, Orlando Bloom, Dom Monaghan , Elijah Wood and Billy Boyd in Liverpool's New Capital Chinese restaurant
Sean Astin, Orlando Bloom, Dom Monaghan , Elijah Wood and Billy Boyd in Liverpool's New Capital Chinese restaurant -Credit:Dom Monaghan Instagram

Since it was graced by half of the fellowship of the ring, I decided to go there myself to see what it was like. Showing up at 4pm on a Thursday meant that we were seen to incredibly quickly. I really liked the interior, especially the fish tank on the wall, and I was able to admire it while picking out my food.

We opted for Banquet B for two people, costing £21 per person. It consisted of chicken and sweetcorn soup as a starter, then crispy duck and pancakes, and finally, beef and black bean sauce and shredded chilli chicken with fried rice.

The set banquet was a great combination and I believe I would have gone for it even if I was by myself. You can watch the video above or head to our TikTok page to see the full spread.

I really enjoyed the banquet - it had all the best parts of a Chinese meal and I will definitely be going back to New Capital again.

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