The triple award-winning Warrington pub where you can watch seals and porpoises

The Ferry Tavern is the perfect place to watch the sunset
The Ferry Tavern is the perfect place to watch the sunset

WHEN the sun is shining and you fancy a drink outside, there’s nowhere better than The Ferry Tavern.

The popular pub in Penketh has just won our latest Best of 2024 award – Warrington’s Best Beer Garden – for the third year in a row.

Triple cheers to everyone at The Ferry Tavern!

The perfect place to watch the sunset (Image: supplied)

In April, we launched our Best of 2024 competition and we’ve given out eight awards.

Kate Lucy Hair Studio was crowned our first winner quickly followed by Tomlins Bakehouse and their pies and Maisie Beck took the Best for Nails title.

The Blue Bell is officially Best for Roast Dinners, we toasted Dead Eyes for their cocktails and CJ’s Coffee House serves the town’s best breakfast.

Then we moved onto fish and chips with customers and readers sending their nominations and votes for their favourite plaice to get the perfect Friday night treat.

Plaice Station in Padgate was last week’s winner.

Voting for Warrington’s Best for Fitness is currently taking place and we’re also looking for nominations in our latest search - Best for Tattoos.

Vote for Warrington’s Best for Fitness 2024

Nominate your favourite for Warrington’s Best for Tattoos 2024

We said cheers to 12 top beer gardens in Warrington with some great spots for a drink in the sunshine making the shortlist and The Ferry Tavern took this year’s coveted crown making it a hat-trick of Best of titles.

Andy and Jade took over from Jades parents in 2005
Andy and Jade took over from Jades parents in 2005

Andy and Jade took over from Jade's parents in 2005

Owners Andy and Jade Mulholland took over at the pumps at The Ferry Tavern on Station Road nearly 20 years ago in May 2005.

Andy grew up in Penketh and Jade moved to The Ferry Tavern she was ten.

Andy, who is 46, said: “We're real ale led olde world riverside pub, on the Trans Pennine trail.

“We’re popular with cyclists and walkers and we're family friendly and dog friendly - we offer Sir Woofchester dog snacks and duck food.

“We took over from Jade’s parents when they retired in 2005.”

The couple have a business background in hospitality and events and they’re busy planning for Glastonferry next weekend – Saturday, June 29 – and Saturday, September 7.

This years Glastonferry events will be on Saturday, June 29 and Saturday, September 7
This years Glastonferry events will be on Saturday, June 29 and Saturday, September 7

This year's Glastonferry events will be on Saturday, June 29 and Saturday, September 7

Jade, who is 41, said: “Our location is the main thing that sets us aside from our competitors.

“We’re off the beaten track with a spectacular view.

“We’re a quarter of a mile away from the nearest housing estate but it makes you feel like you could be in the middle of the countryside.

“We're lucky enough to see lots of wildlife down here such as seals and porpoise in the river, barns owls, small owls and short eared owls as well as kingfishers.

“Customers like the community feel at The Ferry - the beer garden is the perfect escape from everyday life in its tranquil setting.

“Living and working at The Ferry Tavern is as much as a social life as it is a job.

“We meet lots of nice people on a daily basis and have made some great friends and memories over the 19 years we've been here.”

What do customers think of The Ferry Tavern? Why do they think it should win our latest Best of 2024 award?

One regular said: “Past sightings while enjoying a drink have been white ducklings, hovering owls and a seal!”

You can spot owls, seals and kingfishers while youre enjoying a drink in the beer garden
You can spot owls, seals and kingfishers while youre enjoying a drink in the beer garden

You can spot owls, seals and kingfishers while you're enjoying a drink in the beer garden

Andy and Jade were thrilled to hear they’d made the shortlist again this year for Warrington’s Best Beer Garden.

Andy said: “It's great to know we have so much support from our customers so to be shortlisted gives us great satisfaction.

“We could see from the shortlist that the competition was strong again this year as there are some great beer gardens in Warrington.

“We're fortunate to have great customers who support us by taking their time to vote and this gives us an overwhelming feeling of appreciation for our loyal customers.

“We are always grateful for their support and recognition.”

The pop up pizza van is popular with customers
The pop up pizza van is popular with customers

The pop up pizza van is popular with customers