'Trotting track' plans for former Battle of Bannockburn site

The British Harness Racing Club has submitted an application to Stirling Council planners to create a trotting track and facilities on land west of New Line Road and south of Fairhill Road at Whins of Milton
The British Harness Racing Club has submitted an application to Stirling Council planners to create a trotting track and facilities on land west of New Line Road and south of Fairhill Road at Whins of Milton -Credit:BRITISH HARNESS RACING / STIRLING COUNCIL PLANNING PORTAL

Controversial trotting track proposals could be approved next week for part of the Battle of Bannockburn site.

An application lodged by Mr H Muirhead for the formation of the track and erection of an amenity facility to provide toilets, a licensed bar and takeaway hot food and drink goes before Stirling Council’s planning panel on Tuesday.

The proposals, which also include formation of competitor and spectator vehicular/footway accesses and parking areas, are being recommended for conditional approval by council planners subject to a Section 75 legal agreement.

Those behind the plans, including the British Harness Racing Club, say the facility could save their sport from annihilation in Scotland.

Corbiewood Stadium in Bannockburn had been home to the Scottish harness racing community since 1966 with up to 300 people turning up each week.

But it was demolished in 2022 to make way for a major new housing development proposed as part of the South Stirling Gateway development.

The association has previously said: “Be under no illusion. This planning proposal represents the continuation of the sport of harness racing in Scotland.”

Historic Environment Scotland had raised concerns over a previous application for the project, but are not objecting to the revised plans.

But the venture has split public opinion. Of 99 representations received on the application, 34 were objections and 60 were in support.

Objectors say any development within this area would have a major negative impact on the setting of the Bannockburn memorials; the location, scale and type of development proposed will not protect the special qualities of the open space. They also raise concerns over flooding, increased roads movements, road safety and impact on drainage and wildlife and construction impacts. Vehicle, noise, human and lighting pollution has also been highlighted.

Stirling Council flooding and environmental health officers have raised no objections, however, nor have the council’s roads officials, Trunk Roads and Nature Scot.

Those in support of the application say it is a much-needed national facility and would be a benefit to the country, area and the community as well as a boost to the local economy.

They also believe the site is appropriate for trotting track facility use and the visual impact on cultural heritage will be low to none.

In a consultation response submitted, Historic Environment Scotland said: “We are content that the potential impact on the inventory Battle of Bannockburn and on the setting of the Category A listed Bannockburn rotunda memorial cairn, flagpole and statue of King Robert I which are associated with the battle would not be significant for our interests.

“Our view is that the proposals do not raise historic environment issues of national significance and therefore we do not object.

“However, our decision not to object should not be taken as our support for the proposals. This application should be determined in accordance with national and local policy on development affecting the historic environment, together with related policy guidance.”

In their report due before Tuesday’s panel meeting, council planners said: “The site occupies a green belt location, to the northeast of Chartershall, which lies to the south-west of Stirling.

“The site extends to around 8.7 hectares in size and is currently green field agricultural land, relatively open, sloping down from north to south and undulating.

“The proposals are of modest scale and do not result in a building of any significant size being developed within this open and greenfield site.

“In addition, it will not introduce sizeable areas of hard surfacing (in the form of the car park) and lighting into a site, which currently has none.

“It is clear from the submissions and Historic Environment Scotland’s response, that the development would not be prominent within a number of important views over the battlefield and towards the A listed rotunda.

“The amenity building has been designed to be minimal in scale and massing and is finished in recessive colours, to help it blend with its surroundings.

“Although the proposed building would be located in a particularly sensitive area, it would take up a relatively small footprint in comparison with the overall extent of the... battlefield boundary, ensuring that overall it would not have a significant impact on the battlefield’s key landscape characteristics.

“Although there would be a direct impact on the battlefield and surrounding landscape, this would not be significant.

“The infrastructure required for the proposals are ‘light touch’”