Troup negotiating a No Strays Project contract
Apr. 19—The Troup City Council authorized City Manager Gene Cottle to enter an agreement with Dehart Veterinary Services that will hopefully result in free spay and neuter services for residences.
Dehart Veterinary Services has offered reduced priced services through its No Strays Project for dogs and cats. Spay and neuter services, along with microchipping, would cost $75 through the program. Troup would pay, from its animal control fund, for a limited number of animals to receive the service. Should a contract be approved by council, residents seeking the spay and neuter services will need to show their water bill, as proof of residency, to receive a voucher which they can present to Dehart Veterinary Clinic.
The council also approved the $61,736 purchase of a STEPP SMMT asphalt recycler. Recycled asphalt material is placed in the unit, heated to reactivate the asphalt and then used to fill potholes. The hot mix should prevent erosion and the reappearance of the pothole. Troup possesses many tons of recycled asphalt, donated by the Texas Department of Transportation. Delivery of the asphalt recycler is expected in nine months.
Other items approved by the council were:
—an ordinance abandoning the city's right of way on a portion of North Carolina Street which adjoins residential property located at 301 East Bradford Street;
—authorizing C.T. Brannon engineers to solicit bids for the sewer line project related to a community Development Block Grant;
—authorizing C.T Brannon engineers to solicit bids for Troup Water Well Number 1 generator, as well as an elevated storage tank generator;
—an assessed fee of $200 for the city's supervision of the Troup Youth Association's tap of existing sewer line;
—the monthly financial report;
—and minutes of the previous meeting.
The city manager reported the April sales tax payment of $48,341.99, exceeding April 2023 by 13.24%, is the second largest April sales tax payment in Troup's history.
He also reported the city's WeatherSTEM unit, purchased in November 2023, has been on The Weather Channel and Fox Weather several times since its installation. The unit has been accessed over 1,300 times.
The Troup City Council meets at 6:30 p.m. the third Monday of each month at the Cameron-J. Jarvis Tropu Memorial Library, 102 S. Georgia Street.