Trudeau’s Tory Rival Ejected From Parliament Over ‘Wacko’ Insult

(Bloomberg) -- Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre, currently the favorite to win the next Canadian election, was ejected from Parliament after refusing to withdraw an insult where he called Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a “wacko.”

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The incident is another sign of the intense, often personal hostility between the two leaders, and a preview of how raucous the next election campaign may be.

Poilievre was ordered to leave by the speaker of Canada’s House of Commons after the testy exchange in daily question period, where opposition political parties have the chance to grill government ministers.

At one point, Trudeau accused Poilievre of visiting a protest camp that included what the prime minister alleged were “white nationalist groups” and said he exhibited “spineless” leadership. Speaker Greg Fergus interjected, asking Trudeau to rephrase to avoid violating the chamber’s rules on decorum.

Poilievre then shot back with his own description of Trudeau’s “extremist” policies, including the government’s support of British Columbia’s decriminalization of small amounts of illicit drugs. “When will we put an end to this wacko policy by this wacko prime minister?” Poilievre concluded, prompting Fergus to once again interject.

Read More: British Columbia Moves to Roll Back Drug Decriminalization

After Poilievre repeatedly declined to withdraw the insult, Fergus turfed Poilievre from the House for the day. The rest of the Conservative caucus followed him out the door.

“What you witnessed in the House of Commons moments ago is a disgrace,” Government House Leader Steven MacKinnon told reporters afterward. “It’s disrespect for our institutions, a disrespect for the speaker.”

For his part, Poilievre was quick to repeat the insult on social media.

Trudeau has a power-sharing agreement with the left-wing New Democratic Party that likely means the next election won’t take place until mid-2025.

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