Trump’s Secretary of State Rex Tillerson tells diplomats ‘not to look him in the eye’

Trump’s Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has told career diplomats in his own department not to make eye contact with him, a new report claims.

Tillerson has remained remote from both Trump’s administration and his own department, according to the Washington Post – with many diplomats not having met him.

Others have been instructed not to speak to him directly, or even make eye contact with him, as Tillerson confers with a circle of political aides who he has brought into the State Department.

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Tillerson previously raised eyebrows by bringing only one journalist with him on a trip to Asia – from Independent Journal Review, an outlet described as ‘Buzzfeed for conservatives’.

Tillerson said that he was, ‘not a big media press access person.’

He claims that, with only one journalist, his plane, ‘flies faster, allows me to be more efficient’.