Tucked away in a small Greater Manchester village lays an oasis people wait nine years for

-Credit:Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News
-Credit:Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News

Christine McHugh casts her eye over her allotment. Tucked away behind a row of garages off a housing estate in Norden, Rochdale, it's a relatively small plot.

But at this of time of year it's bursting with life. "Strawberries, broad beans - they're struggling because it's been so cold - blueberries, rhubarb, blackcurrants," she says listing the multitude of things she's currently growing.

"I've got potatoes in the bags. There's tomatoes and cucumbers in the greenhouse. I try to grow things that are expensive or that you can't get in the supermarket. Once you've had fresh sweetcorn you'll never have it from the shop again."

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The British love affair with allotments began in Victorian times, when wealthy philanthropists provided plots of land for factory and mill workers to grow their own fruit and veg. Over the years their popularity has waxed and waned, often in line with the nation's fortunes.

"In times of trouble, we turn to the soil – most obviously during the Second World War, when millions became vegetable gardeners in the Dig For Victory campaign," author and allotment holder Michael Leapman wrote.

And now demand is higher than ever as people look for ways to tackle the cost-of-living, energy and climate crises. Late last year research by Greenpeace found almost 160,000 people were on allotment waiting lists at councils across England.

Austrian refugees, pictured in March 1940, off to work on an allotment at West Didsbury, Manchester during the Second World War -Credit:Getty Images
Austrian refugees, pictured in March 1940, off to work on an allotment at West Didsbury, Manchester during the Second World War -Credit:Getty Images

That was up 81% from 13 years ago when researchers found the figure was 86,787. In Manchester, for instance, there are 2,500 people on the waiting list, and the council's website warns plots 'don't become free very often'.

In Rochdale there's a nine year wait. But in December the council opened its first new allotment in 50 years as part of a bid to double the number of plots in the borough.

Speaking at the time Coun Liam O'Rourke, cabinet member for climate change and environment, said: "These new allotments will allow us to speed up the allocation of sites, which we understand is often frustrating to our residents who have been on the waiting list for a long time. We know allotments have always been a great way to get people outdoors, which boosts moods, encourages fruit and vegetable growth, and saves money along the way."

A 2021 study by academics at the University of Sheffield found allotment gardeners reported a wide range of physical and mental health benefits. Miriam Dobson, one of the report’s authors, said plot-holders spoke about the sense of community, 'the nice feeling of sharing food, knowledge and skills' and a 'connection to seasons and a joy in weather'.

Moss Row Allotments in Norden -Credit:Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News
Moss Row Allotments in Norden -Credit:Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News

Back in Norden, Christine, 77, couldn't agree more. The retired school nurse has had her plot at Moss Row Allotments for around 17 years.

And she says it's long been an escape from the stresses and strains of everyday life. "I just love being down here - it's like a little oasis," she said.

"We had our wedding anniversary, we've been married 56 years - I spent the morning down here.

"Last winter I was so depressed, then I came here one morning and it just went. Everything's going on out there, but it's not in here. It's so good for your mental health. It's peaceful, it's productive, it's calming.

"Watching things grow and flower is so satisfying. It's like a little haven, an escape."

-Credit:Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News
-Credit:Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News

A few yards away from Christine's plot, fellow allotment-holder Janet Pennock is laying a base for a new shed due to arrive the following day. Her greenhouse is currently out of bounds due to the robins nesting on a shelf above a half empty bag of compost.

"I love being outside, I love nature," she says as she takes a break from the paving to allow the mum to feed her chicks.

"And I just love seeing things grow. I am generally a happy person, but we all have days where you feel a bit low, and this is like a pick me up. You can not feel like coming down, but as soon as you finish a job, it's a sense of achievement."

But if you're thinking about applying for an allotment, or are one of the thousands of people stuck on a waiting list, Christine and Janet warn it's not easy.

"People don't realise how much work is involved," said Christine. "They just think it's like the Good Life - they don't do their homework.

"I am retired, so I can spend a lot of time here and that's what you need. It's takes a lot of time and a lot of work."

Christine McHugh on her plot at Moss Row Allotments in Rochdale
Christine McHugh on her plot at Moss Row Allotments in Rochdale -Credit:Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News

But when that hard-work pays off it can be immensely rewarding, says Janet, as she points to a single stem of asparagus poking up through the soil. It's taken her four years of trial and error get to this stage, she says, but she's hopeful this year she'll have a bumper crop.

"It's taken me all that time to grow it from seed and get it right. It's so satisfying."