Tucker Carlson Makes Bizarre Analogy To Defend Anti-Vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Tucker Carlson praised Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his crusade against vaccines on Thursday, calling the longshot presidential candidate the “most censored famous person in the United States.” (Watch the video below.)

“Kennedy pays attention to the world around him,” Carlson said on his Twitter show. “You have to be willing to notice the obvious.”

The “Tucker on Twitter” host took a weird flight of fancy to make his point.

He asked viewers to imagine they were on an airliner and suddenly smelled smoke and then saw it filling the cabin. People are choking and a guy begins to pray while the other passengers remain silent.

He continued:

“So, in panic you yell for the flight attendant: ‘There’s smoke in the cabin.’ But she stares at you with hard eyes. ‘Shut up, racist,’ she replies. ‘That’s a dangerous Russian conspiracy theory. Stop spreading misinformation or I’ll call TSA and have you arrested when we land.’”

“That sounds like a fever dream, but it’s also pretty close to the experience of living in the United States at the moment. ... Bobby Kennedy won’t stop asking and that’s why they hate him.”

Fast-forward to 5:30 for Carlson’s airplane analogy.

Kennedy is an avid COVID-19 vaccine denier who before that embraced widely dismissed theories that link childhood vaccines to autism.

He faces mounting criticism from congressional Democrats for challenging President Joe Biden in the 2024 election.

But he has a fan in Carlson, who was Fox News’ highest-profile sower of vaccine doubt before he got canned in April.

“Thanks,” Kennedy wrote to Carlson on Twitter Thursday. “Grateful.”
