Tuesday evening news briefing: Covid could be ‘man-made’, says Gove

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Good evening. Michael Gove has suggested that Covid was “man-made”, as he gave evidence to the official inquiry into the pandemic.

Elsewhere, all 41 workers trapped in the collapsed tunnel in the northern Himalayas have been safely rescued after 17 days stuck underground.

Covid could be ‘man-made’, Michael Gove tells Covid Inquiry

Michael Gove has suggested that Covid was “man-made”, as he gave evidence to the official inquiry into the pandemic. The senior Tory, who was the Cabinet Office minister and the chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster when the pandemic began in 2020, said that it was important to consider evidence that the virus may not have naturally occurred when considering the challenges it presented.

All 41 trapped workers rescued from Indian tunnel

One of the first workers to be brought out of the tunnel is led to safety
One of the first workers to be brought out of the tunnel is led to safety

All 41 Indian miners who spent 17 days trapped inside a collapsed tunnel have been pulled out after rescuers drilled through rock and debris by hand. The workers were kept alive inside the Himalayan tunnel with small packages of food and water sent through narrow air passages. They were rescued one at a time on wheeled stretchers through a pipe 90 cm wide.

Lee Anderson calls for cap on migration

The deputy chairman of the Conservative Party has called for the Government to introduce a cap on migration. Lee Anderson made the call this afternoon after official figures published last week revealed a new record net migration high of 745,000 in 2022.

Readers’ View | What steps should the UK be taking to control legal migration? Send a short comment and your name, with Front Page as the subject, to yourstory@telegraph.co.uk and you might feature in an article later this week.

Evening Briefing: Today’s essential headlines

Exclusive | A proposal to divert Roman Abramovich’s £2.34 billion Chelsea sale fund to Israel rather than Ukraine was discussed after the Hamas terrorist attack, Telegraph Sport can reveal.

Pictured: Golden eagle’s disappearance being treated as suspicious

Merrick the golden eagle was transported to southern Scotland last year to boost numbers in the region
Merrick the golden eagle was transported to southern Scotland last year to boost numbers in the region - South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project

A golden eagle reported missing last month is believed to have come to harm, police have said. The bird was last seen in the Fountainhall area of the Scottish Borders on Oct 12. Police Scotland have since said they believe the bird has come to harm and are treating its disappearance as suspicious.

Battle Lines Podcast | The story of an October 7 survivor

In this episode of Battle Lines, we hear from Naomi Greenaway, Deputy Editor of the Telegraph Magazine, who tells the story of Adi Efrat. Efrat was taken from her home on Kibbutz Be’eri and held hostage by Hamas for over 12 hours. Her life will forever more be split in two – before and after October 7th.

Comment and analysis

World news: Russia’s Black Sea fleet forced back by ‘storm of the century’

Russia’s Black Sea Fleet has been forced back to base after the worst storm in 100 years hit southern Ukraine and occupied Crimea. No Russian ships are able to operate in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov because of the blizzards, giant waves and winds of up to 90mph, Ukraine’s navy and southern army command said.

Feature of the day

Britain’s 50 best streets to live on

What makes a ‘best street’, and do you live on one? New, exclusive research reveals the sought-after addresses to know about.

Read the piece

Business news: Inflation becoming more ‘home grown’, warns Bank of England deputy governor

Inflation is “becoming much more home grown” and will force interest rates to stay high for longer, a deputy governor of the Bank of England has warned. Sir Dave Ramsden said “much stickier” price rises in Britain’s services sector, which covers everything from banking to waiting tables, were making it difficult to reach the Bank’s 2pc inflation target.

Live business news: National Grid to pay people to use less energy amid cold snap

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