TV star Meera Syal hasn't been to football match since witnessing racist abuse at Port Vale

Meera Syal witnesses racist abuse at Port Vale -Credit:Jeff Spicer/Getty Images for SOLT
Meera Syal witnesses racist abuse at Port Vale -Credit:Jeff Spicer/Getty Images for SOLT

Goodness Gracious Me star Meera Syal has told how she has never been to another football match after witnessing racist abuse at Port Vale more than 30 years ago. The TV personality was at Vale Park in Burslem to watch the Vale take on West Ham with her then-boyfriend.

The former couple say they witnessed a Vale fan repeatedly making monkey chants at a black West Ham player in 1991. They were so disturbed by what they witnessed, they spoke to police at the ground.

Ms Syal, who is also well known for her role in The Kumars at No 42, has revealed how the incident left her with feelings of 'shame, fury and isolation'. The details have been revealed in a new memoir about football and racism by Ms Syal's ex-husband, veteran journalist Shekhar Bhatia.

In the book, Namaste Geezer, which is published on May 20, Bhatia describes how the racist fan was one of a 'sea of white faces', none of whom condemned the offensive chanting and racist slurs until Bhatia himself finally complained to a police officer.

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The officer then gave the racist Port Vale fan a verbal warning and stayed close to him and Ms Syal for the rest of the match to ensure there was no repeat.

Bhatia wrote in his memoir: "Meera was largely silent on the drive back down the M6. I was racked with guilt and blamed myself for putting her in that situation. It was a day of menace that she did not need. Indeed, she has never been to another football match, and we have never spoken of our sorrowful experience at Port Vale again.

"Meera is a strong feminist, a brave and intelligent woman who has had many battles against racial inequality and actively campaigns against violence towards women. She has become probably Britain's most famous Asian woman. But if she can be put off from football, how many more women and people of colour hold back from involvement? That, at the very least, should have the footballing authorities sitting up and taking note."

Meera Syal -Credit:Kate Green/BAFTA/Getty Images for BAFTA
Meera Syal -Credit:Kate Green/BAFTA/Getty Images for BAFTA

The incident became publicly know for the first time this week and Ms Syal, who attended a launch party for the book in London, revealed the impact it has had on her.

The comedian, writer and actor told The Times that she has never gone back to see another match after the incident at the ground in Burslem in 1991.

Ms Syal told publication: "When the racist comments began, it was a weirdly familiar feeling [and] brought back a lot of those emotions from childhood: being targeted, shame, fury, injustice, being very alone. We were, as I recall, the only people of colour in that section, so that also highlighted that feeling of isolation. But it made it much worse because we were effectively trapped in the stand.

"And also you become very aware of reactions of people around you - was anyone going to challenge the catcalling? Was anyone going to join in? It's a strange kind of loyalty test and sadly most people, as I found out, don't want to get involved, at least not back then."

She said that she believes things have improved at football since then but there are still issues around racism.

Ms Syal added: "It spoils what should have been a fun day out. It did make me remember the awful consistent group abuse that black footballers had to put up with during the Seventies, Eighties - and still sometimes now - and appreciate what courage it must have taken them to keep playing and keep their dignity. And yes, I do think it put me off wanting to attend another match."

Ms Syal, later married a second husband, actor and sometime co-star Sanjeev Bhaskar who is a Liverpool fan - but she has never felt she wanted to attend a game with him.

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