Twitter Closes Down Child Porn Accounts

Twitter Closes Down Child Porn Accounts

Several Twitter accounts have been disabled after complaints they contained indecent images of children.

It was unclear whether the images were uploaded from the UK.

Members of the public reported the accounts to Greater Manchester Police and North Yorkshire Police,

A statement from the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) said: "We have received around 30 reports to the centre about these Twitter accounts.

"The accounts have now been disabled by Twitter.

"Twitter are obliged by law to send details of any accounts containing indecents images of children to NCMEC in the US.

"NCMEC will then forward information for investigation to law enforcement agencies in the relevant country where the user is believed to be based or children believed to be at risk."

The disabled accounts will be forwarded to the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) - the US equivalent of CEOP.

A statement from Twitter read: "We do not tolerate child pornography on Twitter.

"When we are made aware of such images they will be removed from the site without further notice."

The NSPCC said hacking groups were claiming to have unmasked the people behind the Twitter accounts.