Two dead after train accident in western Germany - police

BERLIN (Reuters) -Two people were killed on Thursday in a train accident in the administrative district of Cologne in Germany's western state of North Rhine-Westphalia, police said.

"Two people are dead," a police spokesperson said. It was too early to say anything about how the accident happened, the spokesperson said, adding that police had no hints that there could have been an attack.

Five people were wounded, German tabloid Bild reported without citing sources.

The train, an IC 2005, was on its way from the North Sea to the city of Koblenz in Rhineland-Palatinate and crashed into a group of workers shortly after passing the city of Huerth, a spokesperson for Deutsche Bahn said.

The spokesperson also said it was too early to comment on the circumstances surrounding the accident or the number of people injured.

The rail line between the cities of Cologne and Bonn had been closed until further notice.

(Reporting by Kirsti Knolle; editing by Matthias Williams and Friederike Heine)