Two Leicestershire MPs predicted to lose their seats to Labour

Two Leicestershire MPs are predicted to lose their seats in the upcoming General Election. Conservative MP Jane Hunt and Independent member Andrew Bridgen look set to be toppled when the public go to vote.

Information released by market research company YouGov predicts Ms Hunt’s Loughborough seat will be taken by Labour candidate Jeevun Sandher. Meanwhile, North West Leicestershire’s Andrew Bridgen is expected to lose out to Amanda Hack, who is also standing for Labour.

Some 45 per cent of voters in Loughborough are expected to back Dr Sandher, compared to 27 per cent continuing their support for Ms Hunt, according to the research. In North West Leicestershire, the margins are tighter. Around 36 per cent of voters in the constituency are set to support Labour, voting for current leader of the local party on Leicestershire County Council Amanda Hack, compared to 33 per cent voting for the Tories, YouGov's figures indicated.

READ MORE: Leader of Leicester’s Conservative Party returns to Labour fold 18 months after quitting

Mr Bridgen has held the seat since 2010, originally as a Conservative. However, he was suspended from the Party in January 2023 after posting a tweet saying that vaccines were the "biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust" and were causing “serious harm”. Mr Bridgen then briefly represented Laurence Fox’s Reclaim Party in Parliament, acting as its only sitting MP.

However, he announced his departure from Reclaim in December 2023, citing a “difference in the direction of the party” as the reason. Political website Guido Fawkes later claimed it was actually due to a spat over a car and a Christmas tree. Mr Bridgen will be running as an independent candidate in the election, which is expected to be held later this year.

Jane Hunt told LeicestershireLive she would also be running for her seat again in the General Election, and said she was “delighted to be standing again for the constituency that I have lived in since 1995”.

She added that she had seen the predictions, but felt “the only polling that matters is the vote of the residents on the day of the General Election. In the meantime, I am working as hard as I can to help the people of Loughborough and support the town’s organisations and businesses, as I have done as their MP for four and a half years and in other roles since 2003.”

Her opponent, Dr Sandher, said the poll reflected a desire in the country for change, but agreed election day results were what really mattered. He said: “Our country wants change. I hear it on the doorstep day after day after day.

“The only poll that matters is on election day and I’m not taking anything for granted. I’m working as hard as I can to earn the votes of everyone here in Loughborough, Shepshed and the villages, so I can help deliver a prosperous, greener future for all.”

In addition to the main parties, the YouGov results gave a vote share for ‘other’ candidates, which would include independent candidates. For North West Leicestershire, that share was zero.

Mr Bridgen did not respond to our request for a comment on the prediction. However, Ms Hack said: “The YouGov MRP poll is good news for Labour locally and nationally and has given the team a real boost. However, the only poll that will determine the outcome of the next general election is in the hands of voters.

“What people are saying in North West Leicestershire day in day out is that they have had enough of this government and the current sitting MP and they want change. We will continue to work hard for every vote by offering a sensible, credible and costed alternative for North West Leicestershire.”

Leicester also looks set for a new MP. The Leicester East seat won by Claudia Webbe in 2019 for Labour is predicted to be held by the party with 53 per cent of the vote.

Although Ms Webbe is currently sitting as an independent member, a Labour victory would still be considered a 'hold' at the election as the public voted for Labour in 2019. Labour has put forward deputy mayor of London for business Rajesh Agrawal for the constituency. Ms Webbe has not yet confirmed whether she will be running for her seat again.

A new seat has also been created in the county – Mid Leicestershire. This is predicted to be narrowly won by the Conservative candidate Peter Bedford. He is expected to get 37 per cent of the vote, compared to 35 per cent for Labour.

The remaining seats are not expected to change between political parties. Hinckley and Bosworth; Harborough, Oadby and Wigston; and South Leicestershire are all expected to remain in Conservative hands.

The newly named Melton and Syston seat is also expected to be Conservative, with Edward Argar running for it. The new constituency takes a number of areas from his current Charnwood seat, while taking Melton from what is currently Alicia Kearn’s Rutland and Melton area.

Rutland is instead moving over the Lincolnshire border to join with Stamford. The remaining Charnwood areas will be incorporated into Mid Leicestershire.

In the city, both Liz Kendall and Jon Ashworth look set to remain local MPs for Leicester West and Leicester South respectively. Ms Kendall is predicted to win 55 per cent of the vote and Mr Ashworth 68 per cent.