Two teenagers at Excelsior Academy in Newcastle rushed to hospital after using vape

Excelsior Academy in Newcastle
Excelsior Academy in Newcastle -Credit:Newcastle Chronicle

Two teenagers at a school in Newcastle were rushed to hospital after using a vape.

The pair became unwell at Excelsior Academy in Scotswood at just after 1pm on Monday. Two ambulances were sent to the school on Denton Road and they were transported to hospital. They were checked over by medics and have since been discharged.

Police are carrying out enquiries, after being contacted by paramedics. They believe that the two teenagers fell ill after using a vape.

A spokesperson for Northumbria Police said: "We can confirm we received a report on Monday, April 15, from the ambulance service that they were responding to two people becoming unwell. The pair were taken to hospital to be checked over and have since been discharged. It is believed they became unwell after using a vape."

The North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) said they received a call about two people unwell at Excelsior Academy in Newcastle shortly after 1pm on Monday. A spokesperson said: "We dispatched two ambulance crews and two patients were taken to hospital."

Excelsior Academy has declined to provide a comment on the incident.