Two visits to Plymouth, six months apart, and the changes brought by the cost of living crisis are clear

Requests for financial help in Plymouth have risen by 235% in the last year - as the council rolls out a dedicated Cost of Living Taskforce to help those struggling with rising bills.

Sky News has revisited the city, six-months after a series of special reports into how increasing costs are impacting communities and businesses.

Since May, inflation, interest rates and energy bills have all increased significantly.

To help, more than 10 local organisations have been brought together to form a new taskforce, which aims to provide financial support, home energy checks and the creation of more than 30 warm spaces.

The taskforce creator, Councillor Rebecca Smith, cited statistics from Citizens Advice Plymouth, which said it had seen an average 235% increase in the number of people city-wide contacting them looking for financial advice.

She added: "What is interesting is that we're seeing that increase in wards that ordinarily don't contact them.

"My ward in particular is in a more affluent part of the city, but the increase has been seen there.

"So it's still fairly small numbers but the percentage changes (are) quite significant."

Earlier this year, Sky News spoke to working mum-of-three, Lara Thomas.

She lives in Devonport, one of the poorest parts of the city - and England.

Back then, Ms Thomas had just cancelled her electricity and gas direct debit because it was becoming unaffordable.

"It's only just been reinstated this month," she said.

"I'm now nearly £600 in arrears - which is worrying for me because I don't have £600 to go - bang - pay it."

The monthly energy support payments from the government have helped - but Ms Thomas is now in debt.

She said: "We've agreed that I pay £263 for my gas and electric and on top of that £10 a month for the £600 arrears I owe.

"It is frightening because I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.

"My arrears are getting more and more and I just feel like I can't pay it."

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As part of the new taskforce, Age UK Plymouth is offering free home checks for those aged over 50.

The aim is to reduce people's bills, but the scheme has proved so popular that they are running out of kits.

Heather Stenning, the charity's head of services, said: "They're scared - people are scared to turn the heating on.

"It's cold, it's damp and people are desperate to do anything to save themselves energy."

We met veterans Ian and Annette at the home where Ms Stenning is helping to fit radiator reflectors, electric timers and energy-saving bulbs.

"You're the ones who then don't get any extra help, and that money is then chomped up by fuel for your car, the food costs more, the energy bills cost more, and yeah…it's tough," Annette told me.

Ms Stenning said the organisation is having to help more and more people like Ian and Annette - those who do not receive means-tested benefits.

She said: "What's good about this scheme is, yes, a large proportion of it does need to go to people on a low income but there is a small percentage to help - that group in the middle who don't necessarily claim means-tested benefits but equally are seeing that squeeze as well."

While the taskforce coordinates home visits, it is also opening public spaces.

Churches, community centres and village halls in Plymouth have been added to a warm-space online map.

One of those - St Jude's Church - opens its doors every Tuesday morning.

There are around 35 people gathering for company, a cup of tea and a chat.

Sandra Richings, who has started to visit in the last few months, said: "It's just such a very friendly place to be.

"I feel very strongly that for me, an activity of some kind most days is the best way to manage my time and keep me on a level playing field."

In a marine city such a Plymouth, its fishing industry is also feeling the bite.

Mark Veale said: "I can't believe I get up at 5am - as a harbourmaster - and have to check the Brent crude oil prices to find out if they're going up or going down."

We joined the harbour master at the 5.30am market, as that morning's catch was sold at auction.

He said the rapid rise in the cost of fuel for boats has made margins for fishermen even tighter.

"In some cases, skippers of boats will be earning less than the national minimum wage, on a trip.

"If they get a bad trip they can end up earning much less than £400 a week.

"Our profit margins are extremely small and we're trying to keep it that way because we want to keep people at sea."

Moored up outside the market is fisherman of 45 years, Chris Newman.

He has spent the last 12 months trying to sell his boat with no luck.

He said the growing cost of fuel, maintenance and licences are making it a less attractive industry for the next generation.

"Fuel used to be five to 10% of your gross (income), now it's 25-30%.

"We're looking at one another and we can't do anything about it, that's just how it is.

"This won't go out to sea for nothing," he said, meaning his boat. "We've got to catch fish."

What do all those costs mean for the attractiveness of buying his boat?

"Well obviously, they don't want to do that.

"They don't want to spend all this money.

"These boats need to gross a lot of money, so people don't want to work that hard do they? Especially with the fuel costs being so much."

Comparing our two visits to Plymouth, six months apart, two things have changed.

Firstly, the cost of living crisis is impacting far more people - not just those on benefits, but many working people are either struggling or are having to be more aware of their budgets.

Secondly, there is help.

The new taskforce is costing millions of pounds - money which councils like Plymouth can scarcely afford.

It was due to run for an initial six months - that will clearly be extended.

"Nobody knows whether the winter is going to force people out of their homes," said Cllr Smith.

"I hope that we don't have to keep it [taskforce] going for too long, but the reality we're facing at the moment is that it could well be something in existence for a couple of years."