Tyre fitting plan gets go-ahead despite concerns over traffic, noise and waste

The car wash in Walton Street, Guisborough
-Credit: (Image: RCBC/Google)

A car wash and valeting facility has been granted planning permission to carry out tyre fitting despite multiple objections from residents.

Twenty nine letters objecting to the proposal in Guisborough were received by Redcar and Cleveland Council, whose planning team had recommended approval. Concerns included an increase in traffic and noise pollution, whether there would be sufficient space for the unloading of supplies and how old tyres would be disposed of.

It was also alleged that waste liquids from the current enterprise, in Walton Street, had found their way into an adjacent beck, Chapel Beck. No objections were raised to the plans by the Environment Agency, which said the applicant should be advised on regulations for dealing with waste, including tyres.

Guisborough ward councillor Bill Clarke commented: “How many tyres can be stored safely on site and how often will they be collected to be disposed of correctly?

“I am also concerned at the amount of noise a tyre fitting facility can bring especially as this is in a residential area and [this] needs investigating to ensure residents do not have to suffer any extra excessive noise.”

Cllr Clarke, an independent, also said in his submission he was worried about the negative impact of the proposal, particularly as Government levelling up funds were being spent by the council to enhance the area around the beck. He added: “The applicant obviously wants to increase turnover and capacity, which I understand, but at what cost.

“This facility is in the wrong place [and] there is inadequate parking/safe storage for vehicles, which will only increase.”

A council report said: “The key impacts for consideration of this type of proposal are considered to be the potential for increased noise and disturbance of neighbouring occupiers from the proposed addition of the tyre fitting service to the existing car wash and valeting business.

“The fitting of tyres can pose noise impacts with the potential use of air compressors for the fitting and inflation of tyres. In this regard environmental protection officers have advised that - subject to a condition to require assessment and suitable mitigation measures as necessary - that the proposal would not pose significant impacts to neighbouring properties from increased noise.”

It said there would be no external alterations as a result of the plans with no expansion in the size or scale of the building used, which would not be able to accommodate any further increase in vehicles over and above that already existing. There would also be no alteration in terms of existing access and egress to and from the public highway.

The plans were passed by members of the council’s regulatory committee.

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