UK dog owners put on Asian Hornet alert and told to 'keep close eye on pet'

The UK's chief plant health officer has urged the public to be vigilant of Asian Hornets after a record number of sightings were established last year. The non-native species of wasps threaten honey bees and important pollinators and run a risk of increasing in numbers during the peak of summer.

As the weather gets warmer, and we spend more time outdoors with our furry friends, it’s important to keep them safe from anything which could cause harm, including the Asian Hornet. Thankfully, the team of experts at have revealed their top tips on what to do if you find your dog has been stung by a wasp or bee.

A few tell-tale signs to look out for, including whining, trying to bite at the affected area, pawing at their face, if they were stung inside their mouth, holding up their paw if the sting occurred in that area and swelling around where they were stung.

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Dog owners are told to remain calm and remove the sting. To do this, you’ll want to grab a credit card to try and scrape away the sting from where the venom sack is. Make sure you never try to pull or squeeze the sting from your pooch. If you do, you may run the risk of releasing more venom from the sting into your dog's body which could cause further irritation to the affected area.

Try and ease the swelling and grab an ice pack and wrap it in a clean towel and hold against where it is swelling. Keep a close eye on your dog. While there is much debate over whether it is okay to give your dog an antihistamine, with some sources on the internet stating that it is fine for our dogs to consume human tablets, before doing so, always check with your vet first.

This is because some antihistamines that are fine for us humans can contain ingredients that are toxic to dogs, and cause them to be extremely unwell. Seeking advice from your vet will also mean that they can tell you which brands are safe, as well as the correct dosage for your dog's size.