UK faces next heatwave 'in time for May half term' with temperatures set to rocket

The UK is facing a heatwave in time for May half term after "heavy rain" and thunder is banished by rising temperatures. Later this month will see balmy conditions between May 27 and May 31, as kids and parents alike enjoy the half term holidays in May.

The Met Office has predicted "warmer than average" temperatures with the UK experiencing highs in the mid-twenties. In an update from May 21 onwards, the Met Office medium-term outlook explains: "There is a lot of uncertainty in this period, even at the start when the UK will be in-between low pressure over the near continent trying to keep things unsettled and potentially thundery; high pressure to the west or southwest which would settle things down; and finally low pressure to the north or northwest which may being a more climatological split in conditions between the south and north.

"Overall though, one way or another, it looks like remaining fairly unsettled across much of the UK, with further rain, showers or even thunderstorms in places, though there will be some sunshine between times, the best of this possibly in southwestern parts.

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"Both rainfall amounts and temperatures are likely to be a little above average, but some large spatial differences are likely." And the BBC Weather team has hinted at the temperatures rising with it "generally warmer" as we approach the sixth month of the year.

It said: "The weather models offer different solutions towards the end of May and beginning of June. Some of them tend to keep areas of low pressure south of the UK. High pressure is more likely to lie over continental Central Europe and extend as far as Scandinavia. The latter could provide slightly drier and calmer conditions at times, especially in northern and eastern areas.

"Conditions will be less changeable in the second week of June. High pressure may remain either north of the UK or towards Scandinavia and low pressure further south. Northern parts of the UK may therefore remain drier and calmer again, while the southern half of the UK will be under the influence of low pressure. Temperatures are likely to be slightly above average."