UK households can get free £200 payment to 'put towards school uniform'

Thousands of parents can get up to £200 to put toward school uniform costs. If you're on a low income and struggling with the cost of school uniform, you could get up to £200 to put towards it in the form of a non-repayable grant.

School uniform can be a significant expense for many families, with one recent parent survey finding that the annual cost can reach more than £400 a child. But all local authorities in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and some in England have schemes in place to help parents and carers shoulder this cost.

Last year, only 31 councils in England offered school uniform grants, according to, so parents face a postcode lottery for this support.

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But Islington and City of London have £150 and £160 available for parents. CVity of London states: "This grant provides money to help towards the cost of school clothing and footwear for families on low incomes living in the City of London. You will be able to claim the grant once per year for each child (attending a state school, reception to year 11) to help with the cost of school uniforms if their school has a published school uniform policy.

"The grant amount is £160 per secondary school pupil (attending a state maintained school, year seven to year 11), this will be paid via BACS. The grant amount is £60 per full-time primary school pupil (attending a state maintained school, reception to year six) , this will be paid via BACS.

"You will need to submit your latest council tax statement and a letter from the school confirming your childs details and start date." And Islington Council said: "We'll pay £150 to help with the cost of school uniforms when your child moves to secondary school from year 6. If your child lives in another borough, even if they attend school in Islington, you should contact your borough council for support.

"If your child is currently in year 6, you previously registered for free school meals and they are eligible under the national criteria, you’ll automatically receive the uniform grant. If you haven’t registered for free school meals before, you must apply for this service using the Citizen Portal andchoose the free school meals option. Please send the outcome assessment to"