UK households who have takeaway on Friday or Saturday night 'warned'

UK households who have takeaways on Friday or Saturday evenings have been warned over how unhealthy the meals are. Some takeaway meals contain more calories than daily limit a UK study has discovered, in an alarming warning to Brits up and down the country.

Six out of 10 takeaway meals contain more than the NHS recommended 600-calorie maximum that the government recommends people should stick to for dinner and lunch. The research, which was carried out by the social innovation agency Nesta, found one in three break the 1,200 calorie barrier.

“Our analysis shows that people are purchasing takeaway meals that contain more calories than the recommended allowance for a whole day. This should ring alarm bells for policymakers,” said Lauren Bowes Byatt, the deputy director of Nesta’s health team.

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A pizza could contain anything up to 2,400 calories, while a pizza and chips boasted a whopping 3,200.. Traditional fish and chips was at 1,400 calories per portion, while a burger, chicken nuggets and a soft drink had 1,700 calories.

Kate Nicholls, the chief executive of UKHospitality, which represents venues such as pubs and hotels, said: “Hospitality offers everything from a healthy lunch to a celebratory treat on a special occasion. The sector strives to offer a wide range of options for customers to pick from, including ever more healthy choices through new menu items, reducing portion sizes and adapting dishes themselves.”

“For much too long the out-of-home sector has been the ‘wild west’ of the food industry due to its lack of consistency and transparency when it comes to the number of unnecessary calories – not to mention salt and sugar – added to meals,” said Sonia Pombo, a nutritionist and campaign lead at Action on Salt.

“Unlike retailers who are legally obliged to declare nutritional information on-pack, out-of-home in general appears to have little regard for public health. It’s therefore imperative that the next government takes decisive action and enforces calorie, salt and sugar reduction targets in order to create a level playing field and a more sustainable food environment longer term.”