UK island where cars are banned so people ride horses instead

It can sometimes feel like modern technology is taking over - but not in Sark. The remote UK island hangs on to life in the the earlier parts of the 20th century.

Cars are entirely banned on the scenic Channel Islands. If you want to get about, you can use the roads to ride a cycle or something horse-drawn - other than that, it would have to be a tractor.

Oh, and they don't allow tractors on Sundays. Sark, alongside other Channel Islands like Jersey and Guernsey, holds the status of a Crown Dependency, separate from the UK.

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But, in contrast to the Isle of Man, another Crown Dependency, Sark has a unique law: none of its over 500 residents can drive cars on the island's roads.

The absence of cars and the prohibition of tractor use on Sundays are not the only peculiarities of this small island. There's also an unusual law regarding pigeons that happen to land there, reports the Express.

According to local legislation, "any rogue pigeons that land on the island are to be murdered forthwith". Additionally, tenants are required to "pay a feudal due in capons on their kitchen chimneys".

The governance of Sark is equally distinctive. A hereditary ruler known as the Seigneur administers the island, with the title being passed down through generations.

The island's government also includes a combination of elected officials and appointed members called the Chief Pleas.

Sark, one of the unique British locations occupied by Germany during World War II, recently marked 79 years since its May 9, 1945, liberationa day following Jersey and Guernsey celebrations.

Despite its quirky laws, Sark still manages to capture the fascination of tourists. A visitor expressed their delight on Tripadvisor: "Step back in time when you arrive on Sark and enjoy the relaxing pace of life. Our trip over on the Trident ferry was fast and smooth with helpful and friendly staff."

They added: "After a short ride up the hill from the harbour by tractor and trailer we took a short horse and cart ride round the island. Shame there are so many deserted and run-down buildings on the Island - it must surely be possible for the owners to put them to better use than as a wreck that nature is slowly swallowing."