King’s Speech to unveil government’s plans at first State Opening for Parliament - live

Parliament is set to hear the annual King’s Speech at 11.30am today, as the monarch sets out Rishi Sunak’s government’s policy agenda for the year ahead.

It will be the first such speech King Charles III has made since assuming the throne last year. It will also be the first of Mr Sunak’s tenure in No 10 – and most likely the last prior to an expected general election next year.

It falls on the annual state opening of parliament, a day of pomp and ceremony involving traditions such as searching the Palace of Westminster for gunpowder, Black Rod banging on the door of the Commons, and the taking of one MP “hostage” to secure the safe return of the monarch.

The government is expected to expand the use of whole-life prison sentences to include any murder involving sexual or sadistic conduct.

Following several high-profile murder cases in which those convicted refuse to attend their sentencing hearings, the government has promised to update the law in a bid to force them to do so.

Key points

King’s Speech was the longest monarch’s speech at State Opening of Parliament since 2005

11:56 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The King’s Speech ran to 1,223 words, making it the longest monarch’s speech at a State Opening of Parliament since 2005.

 (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

King’s Speech 2023: Charles and Black Rod’s roles in the State Opening of Parliament explained

11:54 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Wondering what the shouting of “Black Rod” and the slamming of doors was all about?

Here’s all the pomp and pageantry explained:

All of the pomp and pageantry surrounding the King at the State Opening of Parliament

11:51 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Black Rod summons MPs to hear King’s Speech at State Opening of Parliament

King’s Speech: What policies made it in and what’s been removed?

11:49 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Rishi Sunak is hoping to make law and order a key election battleground with a series of measures promising tougher sentences for killers, rapists and grooming gang ringleaders.

The prime minister has also used the King’s Speech in parliament to create a dividing line with Labour on climate change, with a new law bringing in annual oil and gas licensing in the North Sea.

The King’s Speech also saw a smoking ban – with the Tory government planning to stop children who turn 14 this year and those younger from ever legally buying cigarettes in England.

King’s Speech: What policies made it in and what’s been removed?

Ban on no-fault evictions – but with conditions

11:47 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The King’s Speech confirms that the government has again committed to protect renters with a ban on “no fault” evictions by landlords as part on the long-delayed Renters Reform Bill.

However, as levelling up secretary Michael Gove said last month, the government will not abolish section 21 evictions until “new court process” can speed up decisions – a move sparking outrage among campaigners who fear it kicks the vital change into the long grass.

The plans include banning new leasehold houses so that all new houses are freehold from the outset. But this may differ for flats – ministers are believed to be planning to deliver a reformed commonhold system.

A new bill will increase the standard lease extension term from 90 years to 990 years for both houses and flats, with ground rents reduced to zero by extension. A requirement for leaseholders to have owned for two years before extending will be removed.


Government to create National Holocaust Memorial

11:45 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

King Charles has confirmed that the government will bring back the Holocaust Memorial Bill. Plans to build a memorial centre in Victoria Tower Gardens – situated next to parliament – ran into difficulties over a 1900 law requiring the land to be used as a public park.

Meanwhile, the government will also introduce a bill banning public bodies such as local authorities from boycotting Israel.

The timing of the Economic Activities of Public Bodies (Overseas Matters) Bill has proved controversial – with some Tories warning it could exacerbate tensions during Israel-Hamas conflict.

 (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Government will create ‘smoke-free generation’, says King

11:43 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

King Charles has confirmed the plan to stop young people from smoking.

He said the legislation will “create a smoke-free generation”.Rishi Sunak’s government will bring in a law that would stop children who turn 14 this year and those younger from ever legally buying cigarettes or tobacco in England.

The plan was announced in a Tory party conference speech a few weeks ago.

A personal passion for the PM, it was hailed by health campaigners as a critical step towards creating a smoke-free generation.


11:42 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Commenting on education, the King said: “My ministers will strengthen education for the long term. Steps will be taken to ensure young people have the knowledge and skills to succeed, through the introduction of the Advanced British Standard that will bring technical and academic routes into a single qualification.

“Proposals will be implemented to reduce the number of young people studying poor quality university degrees and increase the number undertaking high quality apprenticeships.

“My ministers will take steps to make the economy more competitive, taking advantage of freedoms afforded by the United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union.

“A bill will be brought forward to promote trade and investment with economies in the fastest growing region in the world. My ministers will continue to negotiate trade agreements with dynamic economies, delivering jobs and growth in the United Kingdom.”

King’s Speech reveals plan for annual oil and gas licences

11:40 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

King Charles – a keen environmentalist – has confirmed Rishi Sunak’s plan to mandate for annual oil and gas licenses – despite outrage from environmentalists.

The monarch said the bill was aimed at “helping the country to transition to net zero by 2050 without adding undue burdens on households”.

Pitched as necessary for energy security, the bill will require the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) to invite applications for new production licences every year.

The heavily-trailed move has already sparked outrage from climate campaigners and has already been met with scepticism from Labour – which has committed to not allowing any more exploration licences in oil and gas.

11:39 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The King continued: “The impact of Covid and the war in Ukraine have created significant long-term challenges for the United Kingdom.

“That is why my Government’s priority is to make the difficult but necessary long-term decisions to change this country for the better.”

He said Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s administration was focused on “increasing economic growth and safeguarding the health and security of the British people for generations to come”.

The Government would “continue to take action to bring down inflation” and support the Bank of England in that goal by taking “responsible decisions on spending and borrowing”.

11:38 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The King announced: “My ministers’ focus is on increasing economic growth and safeguarding the health and security of the British people for generations to come.

“My Government will continue to take action to bring down inflation, to ease the cost of living for families and help businesses fund new jobs and investment.

“My ministers will support the Bank of England to return inflation to target by taking responsible decisions on spending and borrowing. These decisions will help household finances, reduce public sector debt, and safeguard the financial security of the country.”

King begins his speech by remembering his late mother

11:36 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The King is now delivering his speech as he begins by remembering his mother, the late Queen.

Black Rod explained

11:33 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Members of Parliament are summoned by Black Rod, an official position currently held by British ambassador Sarah Clarke, who is the first female holder of the role in its 650-year history.

Before entering into the chamber, the Black Rod has the door shut in her face, symbolising the chamber’s independence from the monarchy.

The Black Rod struck the door three times before it is opened.

King Charles III enters House of Lords

11:30 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The King has entered the House of Lords wearing his ceremonial robes.

The speech is due to start imminently.

In pictures: King and Queen arrive at Palace of Westminster

11:29 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain


Watch: King and Queen enter Palace of Westminster for State Opening of Parliament

11:25 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Watch: King Charles leaves Buckingham Palace for State Opening of Parliament

11:13 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

11:00 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Live: King delivers Speech for first time as monarch at State Opening of Parliament

Leading LGBT+ charity criticises ditching of Conversion Therapy Ban from King’s speech

10:50 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Leading LGBT+ charity Stonewall has criticised the fact the Conversion Therapy Ban will not be included in the King’s speech.

Robbie de Santos, of Stonewall, said: “The UK Government’s failure to deliver a ban on conversion practices after five years of promises is an act of frightful negligence - in doing so, it has given the green light for the abuse against LGBTQ+ people to continue unchecked.

“Rather than getting mired in a cynical cultural war, the UK Government should be making decisions based on what the evidence and expertise said. England and Wales’ 1.5 million LGBTQ+ people, and their families, deserve better.”

In pictures: Guests await the State Opening of Parliament

10:12 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Baroness Floella Benjamin and other members of the House of Lords (PA)
Baroness Floella Benjamin and other members of the House of Lords (PA)
Princess Antonia, Duchess of Wellington (PA)
Princess Antonia, Duchess of Wellington (PA)
Lord Michael Grade (PA)
Lord Michael Grade (PA)

Anti-monarchy protestors stage major demonstration ahead of King’s Speech

09:40 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Campaign group Republic is to stage its first major anti-monarchy demonstration in London since its members were arrested on the day of the King’s coronation.

A few hundred people are expected to gather near the House of Parliament during the first state opening of the King’s reign today.

The Metropolitan Police was criticised after six Republic members were detained ahead of a pre-agreed coronation protest on May 6.

Chief executive Graham Smith, who is now taking legal action against the Met, was among those held for more than 14 hours under the sweeping powers of the new Public Order Act.

Mr Smith said Tuesday’s protest was about the place of the Crown in parliament and the “ramshackle state of our constitution”.

“Our parliament is opened by a king wearing a crown while sitting in the Lords,” he said.

“It is just weird we continue with this pantomime that celebrates the worst, least democratic aspects of our political system.”

Anti-Monarchy pressure group Republic fly
Anti-Monarchy pressure group Republic fly

The King’s Speech: What are the good, the bad and the ugly bills of parliament’s next session?

09:13 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Laudable and well received as many of these government initiatives will be, it’s difficult to see them making many switch their vote before a potential January 2025 election, writes Sean O’Grady:

His Majesty the King will shortly deliver his first Most Gracious Address as head of state, to parliament, commonly known as the King’s Speech. As ever, the text has been prepared by his ministers.

As part of the ceremonial aspects of the constitution, it goes back, in some form or other, for many centuries, and is a small reminder that we remain a constitutional monarchy and not a populist dictatorship in a system of one-party rule.

Politically, its significance lies in how it sets the tone as well as the practical programme for the forthcoming session of parliament. Given that the next general election must be held by January 2025, it’s necessarily going to be lighter than if it were being made by a change of government straight after a general election.

It also has to be less controversial, so that Tory party unity is preserved more easily and the bills actually get passed.

The King’s Speech: a medley of bills with no unifying theme

Suella Braverman plan to stop tents for homeless people junked from Kings Speech by No 10

08:43 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Home secretary Suella Braverman’s plan to restrict charities from giving out tents to homeless people has been junked from the King’s Speech by No 10.

Rishi Sunak is uncomfortable with the language used by Ms Braverman after she was roundly condemned for describing said rough sleeping “lifestyle choice”, The Independent understands.

The right-wing cabinet minister had proposed establishing a civil offence to deter charities from providing tents to homeless people in need.

Suella Braverman plan to stop tents for homeless people junked from Kings Speech

King’s Speech 2023: Charles and Black Rod’s roles in the State Opening of Parliament explained

08:30 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

On Tuesday, King Charles will deliver his first State Opening of Parliament as monarch – an event that has been long been steeped in custom, pomp and pageantry.

The event marks the formal start of the parliamentary year and sets out the government’s proposed policies and legislation for the 2023-24 session.

The late Queen Elizabeth II delivered the speech a total of 67 times during her reign and only missed it only a handful of times including the year of her death last year. Charles delivered a speech on behalf of his mother in May 2022.

He will now be embracing traditions that have been in place since the 16th century for the first time as monarch. Here’s all of the pomp and pageantry to expect from the event…

All of the pomp and pageantry surrounding the King at the State Opening of Parliament

Alex Chalk rejects suggestion King’s Speech measures are focused on general election

08:19 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Justice Secretary Alex Chalk rejected the suggestion that the measures in the King’s Speech were focused on a general election, expected next year.

He told LBC: “I would respectfully disagree. You’re right, there is a general election in the air, that’s correct.

“A lot of the things that we are doing are things that we have been thinking about for some time. So I myself personally, when I wasn’t in government last year, I was speaking at the Conservative Party conference, and a lot of what we’re going to do, they’re the very measures that I was talking about then.

“These are things that people like me and others have been thinking about, have been working out, have been doing the intellectual groundwork on and we’re now going to bring them into force.”

 (PA Wire)
(PA Wire)

Justice secretary says planned criminal justice reforms about ‘head as well as heart'

08:03 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Justice Secretary Alex Chalk said the planned criminal justice reforms, due to be set out in the King’s Speech, were about “head as well as heart”.

“It’s something that I’ve been talking about for a long time because I’m a barrister by background, I’ve seen this stuff,” he told Times Radio.

“This is about head as well as it is about heart. This is about ensuring that I don’t want you, I don’t want your family, I don’t want my family, to be victims of crime.

“So what I want to ensure is that people who are the greatest threat to you and your family are kept out of circulation for longer... but those who are capable of being rehabilitated should be rehabilitated. And that seems to me to be smart.”

Impact of the King’s Speech will last until the next century, Rishi Sunak suggests

07:52 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

The upcoming King’s Speech will help build a “better future” for Britain for the rest of this century, Rishi Sunak has said.

As he prepares to unveil what is on course to be his last programme for government as prime minister, Mr Sunak said the speech would stimulate the economy and strengthen society, and suggested its legacy would last seven decades.

Mr Sunak also pledged to bring forward bills that help people feel safer “in their own communities” and instil a pride in the “place they call home” on Tuesday.

The King’s Speech will be seen as an indication of Mr Sunak’s priorities ahead of the general election, which must be held by January 2025.

impact of the King’s Speech will last until the next century, Rishi Sunak suggests

Andy Burnham urges Sunak to save HS2 Manchester airport link in King’s Speech

07:48 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Andy Burnham and other northern leaders have urged Rishi Sunak to use the upcoming King’s Speech to save a stretch of the HS2 rail project between central Manchester and the city’s airport.

The Labour mayor of Greater Manchester said the PM’s decision to scrap the northern leg – first revealed by The Independent – was a “hammer blow”, but still hopes the key section can be built.

He and others are urging the PM to bring back legislation sanctioning HS2 infrastructure so work can begin on a new link between Manchester Piccadilly and Manchester airport which could be used by east-west projects across the North.

Andy Burnham urges Sunak to save HS2 Manchester link in King’s Speech

King’s Speech 2023: When is it and what to expect

07:36 , Maryam Zakir-Hussain

Today we will be focusing on the King’s Speech as the monarch sets out Rishi Sunak’s government’s policy agenda for the year ahead.

It will be the first such speech King Charles III has made since assuming the throne last year. It will also be the first of Mr Sunak’s tenure in No 10 – and most likely the last prior to an expected general election next year.

Mr Sunak said: “This will be the first King’s Speech in 70 years and the legislation we will bring forward is part of our plan to build a better future for the next 70.”

We take a look at the proposals which are expected to be included in the King’s Speech, at around 11.30am on Tuesday, and those which may be left out:

King’s Speech 2023: When is it and what to expect

Right-wing Tory condemns Braverman over homeless tents remarks

Monday 6 November 2023 16:34 , Joe Middleton

Right-wing Conservative MP Natalie Elphicke has criticised home secretary Suella Braverman’s proposal for charities to stop giving tents to homeless rough sleepers.

“In all my years of helping people who are homeless … at no time, ever, has anyone said the answer lies in the removal of tents.”

Top Boris Johnson advisers joked ‘we’ve banned ourselves from going to the pub’

Monday 6 November 2023 16:18 , Joe Middleton

Two of Boris Johnson’s top advisers railed against the government’s handling of Covid before joking “worst part, we have banned ourselves from going to the pub after this”.

In September 2020, Dr Ben Warner told No10 comms chief Lee Cain he felt like the pair had “walked out of Covid in June and walked back in today”.

Mr Cain told Dr Warner “agree mate, we are so fucked”, adding that the government was making the “same errors as March” - a reference to the delayed decision-making process in the early days of the pandemic.

WhatsApp messages shown to the inquiry then show Dr Warner telling his colleague: “Worst part, we have banned ourselves from going to the pub after this.”

Reporting by Archie Mitchell

Lee Anderson accused of lying about protesters ‘glued to Centotaph’

Monday 6 November 2023 16:14 , Joe Middleton

Just Stop Oil said deputy Tory chairman Lee Anderson has been “tweeting lies about protesters being glued to The Cenotaph”.

The group said activists near the Cenotaph were dragged off the road and arrested by police for protesting in the street.

The Metropolitan Police confirmed there were no offences linked to the Cenotaph, though around 100 arrests were made for disruption in Whitehall.Anderson had tweeted: “Simple solution here. Give them stronger glue and leave them there till Sunday.”

More sweary messages from Dominic Cummings

Monday 6 November 2023 15:46 , Joe Middleton

The Covid inquiry has seen more sweary WhatsApp messages from Dominic Cummings, including one in which he calls then civil service head Sir Mark Sedwill “the f*****”.

Mr Cummings, then Boris Johnson’s top adviser, told the PM that scientists were doing a “great job” while civil servants were “off the pace”. “You need to tell Sedwill this,” Mr Cummings told Mr Johnson.

He added: “The f***** should be in the office now.”

Boris claims Sunak ‘refused to engage’ post-Covid because he wanted to be PM

Monday 6 November 2023 15:30 , Joe Middleton

Boris Johnson said Rishi Sunak “refused to engage” with him on kick-starting the UK economy after lockdown because the chancellor wanted to be PM, according to an extract from Nadine Dorries’ book.

According to the extract in the Mail, Mr Johnson told Ms Dorries: “Looking back, I can see that’s because there was a plan to remove me, and people were saying to him: ‘Don’t give him anything.’He had been given the impression by someone that he should simply bide his time as chancellor until the bigger prize became his.”

NHS was considered ‘f*****’ in any scenario

Monday 6 November 2023 15:09 , Joe Middleton

The Covid inquiry has been shown notes from a February 2020 meeting by data scientist and former No10 adviser Dr Ben Warner which showed that he believed the NHS was “f***** in any scenario”.

Dr Warner clarified that what he meant was that the health service would be under “extreme stress” in any scenation.

Reporting by Archie Mitchell

Starmer faces plot by Labour rebel MPs to force Commons vote on Gaza ceasefire

Monday 6 November 2023 15:00 , Joe Middleton

Sir Keir Starmer is facing a rebellion by left-wing Labour MPs who are trying to force a vote on a Gaza ceasefire in parliament.

The Labour leader is under growing pressure to change stance as his party suffers a major split on his refusal to back a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

At least 18 Labour frontbenchers have defied Sir Keir’s position, while more than 30 councillors have quit the party and more than 330 local leaders have urged him to back down.

Can Rishi Sunak ever escape Boris Johnson’s shadow?

Monday 6 November 2023 14:59 , Joe Middleton

As the former PM makes a surprise visit to Israel, the present incumbent of No 10 is still struggling to shrug off his predecessor, writes Kate Devlin. And there is much more still to come

Can Rishi Sunak ever escape Boris Johnson’s shadow?

Home Office was worried about ‘social unrest’ caused by ‘survival of fittest’ in pandemic

Monday 6 November 2023 14:49 , Joe Middleton

The Home Office believed a “survival of the fittest” scenario might unfold during the pandemic, with potential public unrest as services became overwhelmed.

The Covid-19 Inquiry has been shown minutes from a planning exercise in February 2020 dubbed operation Nimbus, in which attendees were warned to expect 840,000 deaths in a “reasonable worst case scenario”.

The meeting minutes said that in the scenario, Matt Hancock who was chairing asked what “key decisions” would need to be made about care. A representative from NHS England said decisions would have to be made about “whether to expand the intensive care capacity at the consequence of stopping treatment to others.

The Home Office said the social consequences would amount to a “survival of the fittest” situation which could lead to “social unrest”.

One of the recommendations after the meeting was that those involved in strategic decision-making during the pandemic be offered mental health support.

Reporting by Archie Mitchell

Sunak says Tory MP rape allegation complainant should ‘go to the police’

Monday 6 November 2023 14:30 , Joe Middleton

Boris Johnson referred to Treasury as ‘pro-death squad’, Covid inquiry hears

Monday 6 November 2023 14:15 , Joe Middleton

Boris Johnson referred to the Treasury as the “pro-death squad” during the pandemic, the UK Covid-19 Inquiry has heard.

The former prime minister reportedly used the phrase at a meeting in January 2021 when he wanted the ministry to back him in arguing for a path to eased restrictions.

Giving evidence to the inquiry on Monday, Mr Johnson’s pandemic-era deputy principal private secretary, Stuart Glassborow, said he did not recall hearing the term.

Reading from former chief scientific adviser to the Government Sir Patrick Vallance’s diary, where the phrase was noted, Mr Keating went on: “There is an entry... at meeting on 25 January 2021 the PM is recorded saying he wants Tier 3 March 1, Tier 2 April 1, Tier 1 May 1 and nothing by September.

“And he ends it by saying the team must bring in the pro-death squad from HMT”.

“I think (this) refers to a meeting from a couple of years ago. I don’t recall that specific phrase,” Mr Glassborow said.

“I see that this is from Patrick’s notebook. I wouldn’t dispute what he’s recorded, but I don’t recall the phrase at all.”

Suella Braverman under fire after vowing crackdown on tents and claiming rough sleeping is ‘lifestyle choice’

Monday 6 November 2023 13:45 , Joe Middleton

Suella Braverman has prompted outrage after she vowed a crackdown on tents used by the homeless and described rough sleeping as a “lifestyle choice”.

The home secretary claimed streets risked being “taken over” and that without action British cities would see “an explosion of crime, drug taking, and squalor”.

She added that many of those living in tents were “from abroad”. Those who were genuinely homeless would always be supported, she said.

Suella Braverman under fire after claiming rough sleeping is ‘lifestyle choice’

Majority of Tory members want Nigel Farage back in the party, poll reveals

Monday 6 November 2023 13:29 , Joe Middleton

More than seven in 10 Tory members want Nigel Farage to be readmitted to the party, a poll has revealed.

The former Brexit Party leader’s popularity among the Conservative grassroots is laid bare in the Conservative Home survey, which shows the rank and file overwhelmingly back his membership.

Mr Farage quit the Conservative Party in 1992 after John Major signed the Maastricht Treaty, but has increasingly hinted at a return, even joking he would be surprised if he wasn’t Tory leader by 2026.

Most Tory members want Nigel Farage back in the party, poll reveals

Tory minister distances herself from Suella Braverman’s comment on rough sleeping

Monday 6 November 2023 13:00 , Joe Middleton

Reasons for homelessness are ‘complex’, say No 10

Monday 6 November 2023 12:47 , Joe Middleton

A spokesman for Rishi Sunak could not say whether the government had evidence to back up the Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s claim that some people are rough sleeping as a “lifestyle choice”.

“The reasons are complex, I think mental health and addiction are drivers of homelessness,” he said.

Asked if the prime minister ever gets tired of having to defend Ms Braverman, he said: “The Prime Minister continues to work closely with the Home Secretary, not least on this issue of protests... and of course on small boats.”

Energy secretary admits Rishi Sunak’s north sea oil expansion plans ‘won’t bring bills down’

Monday 6 November 2023 12:29 , Joe Middleton

The energy secretary has admitted that Rishi Sunak’s flagship energy policy will not bring household bills down.

Claire Coutinho was quizzed about the government’s plans to expand North Sea oil and gas exploration expected to be announced in the King’s Speech tomorrow.

The prime minister will declare the drive, which would invite annual applications for new licences to drill for oil and gas, will protect jobs and boost energy security “without adding undue burdens on households”.

Energy secretary admits Sunak’s north sea oil expansion ‘won’t bring bills down’

Rishi Sunak shares thoughts on homelessness

Monday 6 November 2023 12:24 , Joe Middleton

More than a hundred British citizens have left Gaza, say No 10

Monday 6 November 2023 12:10 , Joe Middleton

More than a hundred British citizens have left Gaza through the Rafah crossing so far, Downing Street said.

No 10 did not without confirm how many more are trapped inside the territory.

The prime minister’s official spokesman told reporters: “It’s more than a hundred who have made it through the crossing.

“We are in contact with those who still remain, the British nationals who still remain in Gaza to update on the latest information we have.

“And we’ve got UK teams forward-deployed to receive those as they do make it through.

“I don’t have an update on the Rafah crossing as of right now, but obviously it’s disappointing it has been closed recently. It is obviously a complex situation and we will use all diplomatic options available to us to press for its reopening in co-ordination with our partners.”

Some 200 British nationals and their dependents were registered with the authorities to leave Gaza, meaning around half have made it out.

Sunak says Tory MP rape allegation complainant should ‘go to the police’

Monday 6 November 2023 11:59 , Joe Middleton

Sunak declines to back Braverman’s comments about rough-sleeping homeless

Monday 6 November 2023 11:50 , Joe Middleton

Rishi Sunak did not accept that his home secretary Suella Braverman’s description of rough sleeping as a “lifestyle choice” was offensive – but did not back her comments.

Asked by broadcasters if the language was “offensive”, he said: “I don’t want anyone to sleep rough on our streets.“That’s why the government is investing £2bn over the next few years to tackle homelessness and rough sleeping.

“I’m pleased that the number of people sleeping rough is down by a third since the peak, but of course there is more to do … So I’m proud of that record.He added: “But of course there is more to do and we’ll keep going so that nobody has to sleep rough on our streets.”

Lombardelli: ‘Not possible to estimate cost of lockdown’

Monday 6 November 2023 11:42 , Joe Middleton

The Independent’s Archie Mitchell is covering the Covid inquiry today.

He reports that Clare Lombardelli has told the Covid inquiry it was not possible to estimate the cost of lockdowns.The Treasury’s former chief economic adviser said there was no way to say “a lockdown in this form will cost you X” because there was “no reasonable counterfactual” of what people would do without a lockdown.

But the inquiry was also shown an advice document produced for then chancellor Rishi Sunak by the Treasury in which he was told to “push back strongly” against the idea of a circuit-breaker lockdown in autumn 2020. Officials warned Mr Sunak the impacts would be “severe”.

 (Covid Inquiry)
(Covid Inquiry)

The Independent has launched a new WhatsApp channel

Monday 6 November 2023 11:33 , Joe Middleton

The Independent has launched a brand new WhatsApp Channel, bringing you the latest breaking news, Premium news analysis from our award-winning journalists and an evening news briefing with the day’s top headlines.

Sign up and get the latest on UK politics and more by pressing this invite link.

Sunak says police have support for ‘clamp down’ on criminality at Pro-Palestine protest

Monday 6 November 2023 11:28 , Joe Middleton

Rishi Sunak said that Metropolitan Police have ministers’ “absolute and total backing” to tackle criminality, ahead of a pro-Palestinian march on Saturday.

It comes amid concerns by some that the pro-Palestinian march in London will go ahead on Armistice Day.Speaking to broadcasters on Monday, the PM said: “Remembrance Day is a time for national reflection … I want to make sure police have our absolute and total backing to clamp down on any acts of criminality, but also to ensure public order.”

He said that home secretary Suella Braverman would be holding a meeting to discuss the issue on Monday.

Mr Sunak also welcomed the fact 100 British nationals have been able to leave Gaza in recent days, as he explained why he backed a humanitarian pause – but not a ceasefire.“We have been very clear and consistent that we support humanitarian pauses, which are there specifically to allow aid to get into Gaza and hostages and foreign nationals to come out.”

Tory peer: ‘Conservatives have a problem with bullying and sexual misconduct’

Monday 6 November 2023 11:23 , Joe Middleton

A Conservative peer has said the Tory party has “a problem” dealing with allegations of bullying and sexual misconduct.

Baroness Warsi told Times Radio the Conservatives have long “failed” to respond to and support victims.

She said: “I think it does have a problem...Whether it’s bullying, whether it’s allegations of racism and now allegations of sexual misconduct, the party for years and years has simply failed to deal with responding to victims appropriately in all of those areas. And I really hope, rather than just batting this away again, that the party take a long, hard look at itself.”

And she described a “rot” at the heart of the Conservative party, adding: “We cannot be the party of government which governs in this country more than any other political party and still have this rot at the heart of us, whether that’s racism, whether that’s bullying, whether that’s sexual misconduct. We need to be above these matters and we need to see when they come to light, deal with them quickly and coherently, and make sure that all people feel protected within our party.”

Sunak says Tory MP rape allegation complainant should ‘go to the police’

Monday 6 November 2023 11:14 , Joe Middleton

Rishi Sunak has described allegations that a Tory MP committed a series of rapes as “very serious” as he urged anyone with evidence of criminal acts to talk to the police.

The PM has been urged to launch an investigation into claims the Conservatives failed to properly deal with allegations of rape against one of its MPs.

It comes after it was reported that Sir Jake Berry, a former Tory chairman, told police that an internal “failure” to act on allegations of rape allowed an unnamed MP to “continue to offend”.

Sunak says Tory MP rape allegation complainant should ‘go to the police’

NHS patients hit by ‘severe drug shortages’ due to Brexit red tape

Monday 6 November 2023 11:08 , Joe Middleton

NHS patients face a “very worrying” risk due to “severe delays” in drugs supplies caused by Brexit red tape, experts have warned.

Vital antibiotics, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) drugs are among those in desperately short supply this winter – with the NHS forced to pay over the odds to get drugs into Britain.

Leading British health experts backing a new report on post-Brexit problems in the health service, which has been shared with The Independent, have also highlighted recent problems obtaining antidepressants and medication for high blood pressure.

NHS hit by ‘severe drug shortages’ due to Brexit red tape

Allegations a Tory MP committed a series of rapes is ‘very serious’, says PM

Monday 6 November 2023 10:59 , Joe Middleton

Prime minister Rishi Sunak has described allegations that a Tory MP committed a series of rapes as “very serious”.

He urged anyone with evidence of criminal acts to talk to the police.

Speaking on a visit to Bacton Gas Terminal in Norfolk, the Prime Minister told broadcasters: “These are very serious, anonymous allegations.

“It may be that they allude to something that is already the subject of a live police investigation, so I hope you understand it wouldn’t be right for me to comment on that further specifically.

“More broadly the Conservative Party has robust independent complaint procedures in place, but I would say to anybody who has information or evidence about any criminal acts to of course talk to police, that’s the right course of action.”

Deputy prime minister denies cover-up of rape allegation against Tory MP

Monday 6 November 2023 10:54 , Joe Middleton

The deputy prime minister has denied that the Conservatives covered up a rape allegation against one of their own MPs.

Oliver Dowden insisted the Tory party has a “zero tolerance” approach to sexual misconduct after claims allegations of rape against an MP were not properly handled, potentially allowing them to continue to offend.

But he said he could not “say for certain” that his party did not pay an alleged victim’s private hospital fees.

And the former party chair, who stood down from the role in June 2022, urged anyone with concerns to take them to the police.

His comments came after it emerged that former party chair Sir Jake Berry wrote to police amid concerns over how the allegations of rape were dealt with, according to a letter published in The Mail on Sunday.

Deputy PM denies cover-up of rape allegation against MP