UK's Dumbest Criminals Park Stolen Car At Police Station Car Park

'Perhaps they will tell us they were wanting to repent their sins and were returning the car to the police and to hand themselves in'

Parking a stolen car in a police station car park - not a good idea
Parking a stolen car in a police station car park - not a good idea

The UK's dumbest criminals have been arrested after they tried to park a stolen vehicle at police station.

It is thought the two men had been trying to dump the car in an underground car park, without realising it belonged to the boys in blue.

As they approached the key fob controlled security gates to the police station in Middleton, Greater Manchester, they were followed by a cop car returning to base.

The officers inside recognised the vehicle as one that had been stolen earlier today during a burglary 15 miles away in Eccles, Gtr Mancs.

The occupants reversed the car back into the marked police car, before quickly hot-footing it from the scene.

They were pursued by the officers, and a police dog, before being detained nearby. Further enquiries revealed it was the same vehicle stolen during the early hours.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said: "As is quite common practice people who steal cars hide them from the police in underground car parks for a few days in order to avoid them being recovered to the owners.

"On this occasion it would seem these offenders chose the wrong underground car park, i.e, the police station to try to hide the car and to compound to their poor judgement just as the officers were returning back to the station.

"Both males have subsequently been arrested and are awaiting interview.

"Perhaps they will tell us they were wanting to repent their sins and were returning the car to the police and to hand themselves in...only time will tell."

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