UK set for 27C heatwave which will kick off 'next week' with one area hottest

The UK faces a 27C UK heatwave which kicks off NEXT WEEK as weather maps and charts show rising temperatures. The mercury is expected to rise to 27C next Thursday, July 11, with highs in the late-twenties expected to roast the south east of England in particular.

The reports and projections from WX Charts come amid the hope of a balmy mid-July and end to the seventh month of the year. The rising temperatures would follow a bleak start to July, and a washout June, which has seen disappointing temperatures.

In a forecast from July 9 to July 18, the Met Office states: "Confidence in the weather patterns at the beginning of this period is unusually low, with an erratic transition from cool, bright but showery weather over the previous weekend to something more unsettled, particularly in the south and west, likely to be underway.

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"Overall the period is expected to be predominantly unsettled; successive areas of cloud and rain moving in from the Atlantic and shorter settled interludes in-between. The bulk of the rainfall is likely to be across western and possibly southern parts, with far northwest and eastern areas more generally likely remaining drier.

"Temperatures are likely to come up to around average at first, with a chance of brief warm spells in the southeast, but overall temperatures will probably end up slightly cooler than average given the mainly unsettled outlook."

And its outlook into August has also been posted. In it, the Met Office explains: "As can often be the case at this time of year, predictability at this range is exceptionally low. There is a roughly even chance of rainfall being both below average and above average, whilst around average to above average temperatures are slightly favoured."

The outlook lasts from mid-July to August 2, it says.