UK set for hottest day of year this week - and it may not be beaten

The UK has been told to prepare for its hottest day of the year so far - with Monday June 24 to Wednesday June 26 showing 31C on the weather maps and charts at times. Met Office senior meteorologist Liam Eslick said: “Temperatures will increase through the week, peaking on Wednesday and Thursday with highs of 30-31C in the South East.

“Monday sees a mostly dry day with plenty of very warm sunny spells.” Mr Eslick said that by next weekend temperatures will be back to June averages of 18-19C, as the disappointingly ordinary June weather returns to the country.

Samantha Hughes, National Water Safety Partner at the RNLI said: “The forecasted warm weather will mean we’ll see more visitors at the coast and we always want people to enjoy themselves safely. Entering the water during warm weather can increase the risk of cold water shock due to the sudden changes in skin temperatures. Enter the water gradually and avoid jumping or diving straight in to reduce your risk of cold-water shock.

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“If you’re planning on heading to the beach, we highly recommend you visit one that is lifeguarded and you swim between the red and yellow flags. This is the safest area and is most closely monitored by lifeguards. If you get into trouble in the water, Float to Live. Tilt your head back with ears submerged and try to relax and control your breathing. Use your hands to help you stay afloat and then call for help or swim to safety if you can.

“In an emergency at the coast, call 999 or 112 and ask for the Coastguard or ask for the fire service if you are near inland waters.” In its forecast for Monday (June 24) for the UK, the Met Office explains: "Areas of low cloud, mist and fog will lift to leave a largely dry and settled day with bright or sunny spells.

"Feeling very warm, locally hot in light winds. However, the far northwest will be cloudier with patchy rain."