UK speed limit rule could be axed for millions of drivers next week

A controversial UK speed limit rule could be axed as soon as NEXT WEEK. Speed limits could be dramatically changed in one part of the UK from next week as opposition politicians demand an immediate review amid a growing resentment of 20mph zones.

Natasha Asghar MS, Welsh Conservative Shadow Transport Minister said Labour's stance on motorists was having a a major impact on residents. She said: “Labour Ministers in Cardiff Bay continue to push their anti-motorist agenda, with drivers being forced out of their vehicles through Labour Government policy.

“The people of Wales want to get on with their daily lives, yet Labour’s lack of investment in public transport, road building ban, and 20mph speed limits are preventing them from doing exactly this. In the Senedd next week, we’ll be calling on the Welsh Labour Government to end their war on motorists, scrap their road building ban and 20mph speed limits, and to get Wales moving again.”

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A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “The Cabinet Secretary has been clear that his immediate priority on 20mph is to listen. To support this, in the weeks ahead he will be engaging with elected representatives, businesses and communities across Wales.”

A protest had also been organised in Cardiff Bay by an Annette Jones of the ’20 is not plenty’ Facebook group. Mr Baker said: “I feel quite shocked that it got as many signatures as it did. I have no doubt they will ‘debate’ it, but personally I think it will only be paid lip service as they don’t want egg on their face.

“Although I did have a private conversation with Lee Waters yesterday in the Senedd, apart from trying to defend this disastrous policy, he did say that if they are wrong about this then they will have to change it. I’m not sure he intended to say that but he said it anyway. I personally think they will try backtracking but dress it up as a ‘considered review’.”

The minister in charge of transport, Lee Waters said: “I did mean it. If none of the outcomes match what we expected of course there will need to be changes. But so far it is going as we anticipated- speeds are down, and just as everywhere else that has introduced lower speeds, we expect that to result in fewer collisions, deaths and casualties”