UK told to prepare for 'three months' of sunshine ahead of June and July scorcher

The UK has been told to prepare for THREE MONTHS of sunshine in a massive boost. This summer has a 35-per cent, 1.8 times the norm, chance of being hot, and a mere five per cent chance of being cool, according to the Met Office meteorologists and forecasters.

The three-month outlook from the forecasting agency predicts a near double the average chance of ‘hot’ weather until July. Exacta Weather forecaster James Madden said: “June is likely to start on a decent note for many of us, with warm or potentially hot temperatures spilling over from the end of May."

The forecaster went on, saying: "Some projections have identified a potentially hot period of weather around mid-July, and this could last for an extended period, and during this time, there is no reason we couldn’t see temperatures in the mid-to high-30Cs.

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“Temperatures are likely to be above-average for the month as a whole.” A Met Office spokesman said: “Drivers relevant to the current outlook include warming of the UK climate consistent with wider global warming trends. The El-Nino Southern Oscillation is expected to transition towards neutral or a La Nina in the outlook period with continued cooling of tropical East Pacific waters.

“And looking at stratospheric winds, the normal spring transition from a westerly to an easterly direction is delayed this year, slightly favouring more settled conditions in the upcoming three months.” Met Office meteorologist Aidan McGivern said: “We end up with a weak and meandering jet stream which is the case over the next few days.

“The jet stream splits into various branches and those come together again, and it is all over the place as we get to the start of next week. That tends to suggest that the weather will become more settled into the start of next week, but not entirely dry and sunny, there will be some showers around.”