UK tourists in Dubai face 'prison time' for 'swearing over text message'

UK tourists in Dubai have been warned over swearing - because they could be slapped with eye-watering fines. Tourists in Dubai face £105,792 fines and even PRISON TIME AND DEPORTATION over swearing in public or bad gestures.

The GOV website says swearing and rude gestures are considered obscene acts and are illegal in the UAE, potentially leading to prison and deportation. Other warnings have emerged over spreading rumours or fake news, too, as the summer holiday season continues.

In the past, tourists have been detained in Dubai over cursing and otherwise offensive behavior, even if sent via text. In February 2021, a British woman was detained after she was caught sending a rude message to her roommate in a WhatsApp message.

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And just last year, New York student was sentenced to a year in prison after reportedly touching a Dubai airport security guard on the arm when officers refused to help her put back on a medical brace after a security check.

Fake rumours and false speculation is a serious offence, carrying penalties of one year in jail and fines up to 100,000 dirhams. Gulf News states that this law targets "anyone who uses the internet to publish, circulate or spread false news, rumours or misleading information, contrary to the news published by official sources".

Possession of poppy seeds can result in up to 20 years behind bars, too. And checking other people's phones could land you a fine of between 50,000 and 100,000 dirhams. According to Gulf News, the fine could apply if someone accessed the information using a password "obtained without permission".

Fundraising without a licence can also lead to imprisonment and a fine of between 200,000 and 500,000 dirhams. In this particularly strict rule, anyone who runs a website or publishes information online or "through any information technology" to promote the collection of donations without a licence could face legal consequences.