UK ‘wasting Brexit freedoms’ as drug trials held back by red tape

pharma giant Novartis
The number of drug trials has decreased post-Brexit, says the president of biomedical research at pharma giant Novartis - BRENT STIRTON/AP

Britain is squandering its Brexit freedoms as drug trials and approvals are bogged down in red tape, a leading pharmaceutical chief has said.

Dr Fiona Marshall, president of biomedical research at pharma giant Novartis, warned that the UK was yet to utilise its post-Brexit potential to become a global life sciences superpower.

She worked with Boris Johnson and Prof Sir John Bell on the life science vision team that outlined plans for post-Brexit Britain to deliver faster clinical trials and easier access to drugs for patients.

However those ambitions are yet to materialise, she said, because of regulatory red tape, constrained NHS capacity and a loss of expert clinical pharmacologists, which has resulted in companies increasingly turning to Germany, Spain and Switzerland to innovate.

Dr Marshall said the “UK has many unique attributes, the NHS being one of them”, but that there had been “disappointing trends that we have seen post Brexit”.

“During Brexit, there was a lot of aspiration that the UK would be showing a leadership position in regulation with the Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) having the ability to really bring forward accelerated drug approval,” she told The Telegraph.

“I think that is still an aspiration, but it certainly hasn’t happened in practice. We’ve actually seen the reverse, a big backlog with the MHRA and a decline in the number of clinical trials that are being run. The UK really used to be, and still has the potential to be, a leader in innovative clinical trials.”

Dr Fiona Marshall
Dr Fiona Marshall worked with Boris Johnson to outline post-Brexit plans to boost faster clinical trials - ANDREW PROPP/NIH

Since 2018, the number of trials being conducted in the UK has decreased, falling behind peers in Europe.

Figures show the number of patients enrolled in studies dropped by almost half between 2017-18 and 2021-22, according to the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI).

That is in part because fewer trials are being started. The number of Phase 3 trials – where medicines are the closest to going to market – has fallen by 48 per cent between 2017 and 2021.

The 140 industry clinical trials that were initiated put the UK 10th globally, down from fourth just four years earlier, and behind the likes of Japan, Canada, France, Italy, and Poland.

Dr Marshall said the pressure on the NHS with record-high waiting lists and pressure on emergency services meant the “ability to run clinical trials has decreased”.

She said that while Novartis always tries to do trials in the UK, there were multiple “system” issues at play, including getting patients early access.

“For every 100 patients that get a new medicine in the first year of launch in the EU, including France and Germany, only 21 patients would be getting them in the UK,” she said, citing ABPI data.

“So five times the number in a European country would get a new medicine coming forward. Even when a drug is approved, there tends to be a slower uptake and roll-out, so patients are not getting innovative medicines as quickly as we would like them to.”

She said Germany was “one of the top countries in Europe now from our point of view, just in the rate, patient enrollment, delivery of new therapies”.

‘Potential to be world-class leader’

Despite the challenges facing UK life sciences, Novartis has this month committed to joining the Our Future Health programme and is investing £12.5 million.

The scheme is the largest-ever health research programme and recruits volunteers to create a detailed picture of the nation’s health.

Involvement means access to more than one million people’s data with the aim of identifying diseases and creating treatments.

“The UK has the potential to be a world-class leader. We have world-class universities. We have world-class hospitals. We have world-class researchers, and the NHS has a base of data that is completely unique,” she said.

She said with the advancement of artificial intelligence there was “huge potential” to utilise the patient data held by the NHS.

“One of the things we’re excited about now is using AI to really change how we do drug discovery, drug development, and how it could change healthcare.

“To get the most out of AI you need the right data sets and this is another area where the UK has the NHS. If the data can be organised in the right way and fed into AI, that has huge potential.”


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James Pound, interim executive director of innovation and compliance at MHRA, said: “Ensuring efficient and safe approval of clinical trials is a priority for the MHRA. There is no backlog of clinical trial applications and we have implemented a range of improvements to our assessment process over the last 12 months to ensure consistent approval timelines.

“Since September 2023, the MHRA has met statutory timeframes for the approval of clinical trial applications. The latest MHRA performance data shows that clinical trial applications continue to be handled within target statutory timescales.

“On average, since 2020, we have been approving approximately 862 initial applications per year, with the most recent year seeing a total of 998 approvals (from April 1 2023 to March 31 2024).

“The public can be confident that our robust regulatory standards and absolute commitment to patient safety have been maintained throughout.

“We will continue to make enhancements with new legislative measures to make it easier and faster for applicants to gain approvals and to ensure the UK remains a prime destination for clinical trials.”

The Department of Health and Social Care was approached for comment.