UK weather: Exact date heatwave returns as 30C scorcher forecast by new maps

Heatwave map for July 23-24
-Credit: (Image: WXCharts)

We have been enduring a spell of cold and damp weather over recent days, with persistent rain drenching us and summer warmth appearing elusive. Yet, there's a glimmer of hope on the horizon for sun-seekers as certain regions in Britain are poised to sizzle, with forecasts predicting that temperatures could soar to a sweltering 30C.

According to new projections from WXCharts, which utilises data from MetDesk, the searing heat that has been engulfing mainland Europe recently might extend over to Britain within the coming weeks. The charts indicate a substantial body of warm air coming from the Spain and Portugal around and set to arrive on Tuesday, July 23, and Wednesday, July 24.

It appears London and the southern parts of England will bask in the hottest conditions, with anticipated temperature spikes ranging from 27C to 30C, reports the Express. Wales is also set to witness a significant rise in mercury levels, with predictions of 23C to 26C, while Scotland, although cooler, could still enjoy a pleasant peak of 22C.


The north of England is gearing up for highs of 24C to 25C, whereas Norfolk, Oxfordshire, and the Midlands may experience the mid-20s. Looking ahead to the period of July 23 to August 6, the Met Office's weather outlook suggests "above average" temperatures.

A Met Office spokesperson said: "There are some signs of a slightly greater than normal chance of a more prolonged settled spell developing at some point during the period, at least for a time, and perhaps more likely in the south.

"However, by the same token further, perhaps shorter, unsettled interludes are probable too. Above average temperatures overall, and drier than average conditions overall, are very slightly favoured."

In addition to a potential heatwave around July 23 and 24, there could also be a surge in temperatures around July 17, providing some relief from what has so far been an unseasonably rainy and cold summer.