Ukraine summit strives for broad consensus to lean on Russia to end war

Western powers and countries from the rest of the world will use the second day of a major summit in Switzerland on Sunday to pursue a consensus on condemning Russia's invasion of Ukraine and underscoring concerns about the war's human cost.

A draft of the final summit declaration seen by Reuters refers to Russia's invasion as a "war" – a label Moscow rejects – and calls for Ukraine's control over the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant and its Azov Sea ports to be restored.

Moscow casts what it calls its special military operation in Ukraine as part of a broader struggle with the West, which it says wants to bring Russia to its knees. Kyiv and the West say Russia is waging an illegal war of conquest.

World leaders including US Vice President Kamala Harris, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron gathered this weekend at a mountaintop resort in a bid to bolster international support for ending the war.

Many Western leaders voiced forceful condemnation of the invasion, invoking the UN Charter in defence of Ukrainian territorial integrity, and rejecting Russian President Vladimir Putin's demands for parts of Ukraine as a condition for peace.

One central ambition of the Swiss and Ukrainian organisers is to announce on Sunday the host country for a follow-up conference meant to build on the Swiss momentum.

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