Ukraine war: Half of Russian troops dead or injured, US intelligence states

A battle in Ukraine rages on as Russia counts the cost of its fatalities  (via REUTERS)
A battle in Ukraine rages on as Russia counts the cost of its fatalities (via REUTERS)

Half of Russian troops sent into the Ukraine conflict have been killed or injured, American intelligence has stated.

The classified data from the Biden administration, which was reported by CNN on Thursday, estimated that 75,000 of Putin’s forces have died or been wounded.

Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24.

The House of Representatives was given the briefing, which said those deceased or injured could be between 60,000 and 80,000 - while on Tuesday Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that 40,000 Russians have been killed so far in the war.

There have been no official figures from either side about the numbers lost.

Neil Bush, UK ambassador to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe, released a statement on Thursday which said the Kremlin “would fail” in its advance.

“The Russian government did not know that they would come to regret testing the mettle of Ukraine and its partners,” the statement read.

“President Putin sought to bring Ukraine to its knees, but encountered a country that refused to yield. As Russian forces retreated, defeated, from Kyiv, President Putin must have realised how grossly he underestimated the Ukrainian people’s bravery and determination.

“Now, 155 days on it is clear that President Putin cannot and will not subjugate Ukraine. One-hundred-and-fifty-five days on, the UK and our allies remain steadfast in our commitment to Ukraine and the defence of its sovereignty.”

On Thursday, the government said the number of Ukrainians to have found a place to live in the UK under visa schemes had topped 100,000.