‘Ukraine won’t win territory back and only peace deal will end war’

Viktor Orban and Volodymyr Zelensky
Hungary is the most outspoken EU and Nato member on giving ground to the Kremlin and suing for peace

Ukraine will fail to win back significant territory captured by Russia and a peace deal must be negotiated to end the war, a top Hungarian official has said.

Gergely Gulyas’s calls for negotiations come as Ukraine insisted that its three-month-long counter-offensive had broken through Russia’s first defensive line and was finally picking up momentum.

Mr Gulyas, who is head of Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban’s administration, also said that Moscow should be given security guarantees and Kyiv banned from Nato.

“In the long term, peacekeepers and numerous similar solutions could guarantee peace in Ukraine,” he said on Saturday evening during a talk to law students.

Hungary is the most outspoken EU and Nato member on giving ground to the Kremlin and suing for peace. It has not imposed sanctions on Russia and continues to buy Russian gas.

‘West must give security guarantees to Russia’

Last week, Mr Orban told the Right-wing American TV host Tucker Carlson that Donald Trump should be re-elected as US president and described sentiment that the Ukrainian army could defeat the Russian army as “a lie”.

Mr Gulyas said that although Nato members have armed Ukraine, negotiations rather than encouraging a counter-offensive was the only way to end the war.

“The Western world supporting Ukraine must give security guarantees to Russia, but certainly not Nato membership to the Ukrainians,” he said.

Ukrainian officials have said that they intend to recapture all areas occupied by the Kremlin, including Crimea which was annexed in 2014. They also want to join Nato, but the Western military alliance has been vague on offering Ukraine a firm joining date.

Mr Gulyas also said that peace negotiations must also involve the US directly negotiating with the Kremlin.

“Peace talks will only work if Washington engages with Moscow and Kyiv,” he said. The White House has long maintained that only Ukraine can decide its fate in negotiations.

Ukrainian officials this week said that their forces had captured the village of Robotyne, eight miles from the counter-offensive start line on the southern sector of the front line.

They said that they would use the breakthrough to push on to other targets and Russian bloggers have now confirmed that fighting has spread.

“The Ukrainian armed forces, with the support of artillery, are trying to break through further east of Novoprokopovka,” WarGonzo said of a village about a mile south of Robotyne.

Forces approach second defensive line

General Oleksandr Tarnavskiy, who leads the southern counter-offensive, told The Guardian on the weekend that his forces were now approaching Russia’s second defensive line.

“In the centre of the offensive, we are now completing the destruction of enemy units that provide cover for the retreat of Russian troops behind their second defensive line,” he said.

Both Russia and Ukraine have taken hundreds of thousands of casualties and the Kremlin has started recruiting men directly from Central Asia.

Russian army internet adverts in Kazakhstan are offering a signing-on bonus of £4,000 and a monthly pay of £1,600 for men to fight alongside their Russian “brothers”.

The British Ministry of Defence said that the Kremlin’s recruitment drive was aimed at shielding ordinary Russians from the war ahead of a presidential election next year.

“Exploiting foreign nationals allows the Kremlin to acquire additional personnel for its war effort in the face of mounting casualties,” it said.

The five Central Asian states make relatively easy targets. They used to be part of the Soviet Union, Russian is widely spoken and the Kremlin’s propaganda TV channels are heavily watched. Russia also provides work for thousands of migrant workers from the region.