Ukrainian student thankful she's a 'familiar face in foreign land'

Oksana Hagen is a 29-year-old Ukrainian, who grew up in Kyiv and is studying at the University of Plymouth.
-Credit: (Image: Oksana Hagan)

Oksana Hagen is a Ukrainian, who grew up in Kyiv and is studying at the University of Plymouth.

A few weeks ago, after long deliberation, I finally sent two rolls of a floral Laura Ashley wallpaper for my Mom’s renovations in Kyiv. She loved it.

It is going to be her birthday in March and together with my brother we were going to give her a bonsai trimming lesson. I was asking her if she has time in May, trying to arrange the class.

Now the new wallpaper is sitting in an empty apartment, together with her slowly dying bonsai. The list of things that are important suddenly became very short. The list really includes only the lifesaving operations.

For the first two days I was not breathing, because my family was getting out of Kyiv. Today I am still waiting for a friend to be found we lost all connection with him two days ago. In the areas that Russia manages to capture they destroy all civilian infrastructure including electricity, gas, and water.

Read More - Places where you can donate to Ukraine in Plymouth

I am a student at the University of Plymouth, where I also work part-time. I have lived here for the three years. Plymouth is filled with echoes of the wars, both first and second: the whole city centre had to be rebuilt, and the few old buildings, like the old theatre on the Union Street, stand out, like they belong somewhere else.

Growing up in Kyiv, I was too surrounded by the reminders of an old war: the main high street had to be completely rebuilt after the Second World War. To my mind, the war belonged to the history books. Reality is difficult to accept.

Oksana Hagen is a 29-year-old Ukrainian, who grew up in Kyiv and is studying at the University of Plymouth.
Oksana Hagen is a 29-year-old Ukrainian, who grew up in Kyiv and is studying at the University of Plymouth. -Credit:Oksana Hagan

Yesterday there were reports about US intelligence trying to understand if Putin uses reason, while making decisions. Do you really need intelligence for that? Did Hitler use reason? Yes, but a reason of a madman living in his own imagination.

I know, people fear the nuclear warfare and WWIII, and rightfully so. But they think, that if NATO does not enter direct confrontation, it is possible to prevent the escalation by not provoking Putin.

Unfortunately, he hardly needs any provocation: just sole existence of Ukraine is his “security threat”. If the residential buildings are his targets, what else is “security threat”? He is a terrorist, who has successfully paralyzed the whole world by taking everyone as his hostage using nuclear weapons.

The UN responded by making a resolution about disagreeing with the invasion of Ukraine. It is better than nothing, but I am not convinced it is enough.

Sanctions are a slow weapon. They might destroy Russia, but it will take a long time. Russia is not a democratic country, and the hardship of people hardly concerns Putin, who is sitting in his comfy bunker under Ural Mountains. They already have the weapons, and they already have the army to fight. It might take years for Russian state to collapse, but for the millions of people hiding in the basements across Ukraine every day could be their last.

Ukrainians will resist forever, like our ex-president said in his live CNN interview. The sudden unity and decisiveness surprised even Ukrainians. In January, our president was prosecuting our opposition leader, in February they were both in Kyiv, suddenly united by the same cause.

In a matter of hours, there were self-organized volunteers everywhere: volunteers to fight, volunteers to manage supply chain, to translate, to spread the information. The regional defence units are sending people home, and blood donation centres say they have enough donations for now.

It reminded me of the NHS volunteering programme during the first wave of COVID that was full within a few days. Thousands of people coordinating efforts to attack Russian official websites from their homes, or even phones and targeted advertisements specialists push ad at Russian websites to tell them what is happening in Ukraine against their own powerful informational “iron curtain”.

This week has been both too short and too long, I am still hoping to wake up and find out it was a bizarre dream. But it does not look like this war will be over soon, so we all are trying to adapt.

Ukrainians are joking, exchanging memes, trying to stay calm and carry on. I watched an economics lecture today by Nassim Taleb for Kyiv School of Economics over zoom, where the host was sitting in his shower in Kyiv - the best shelter he had at hand.

I am trying to think how we are going to live through this, me, and my family. I really hope that I will be able to bring them here for a while: at least I am here, a familiar face in a foreign land. The UK government still isn’t clear on its policy regarding Ukrainian refugees, but there might be a way.

The international community and even ordinary people will also have to adapt to the new situation. The support Ukraine has received was overwhelming, but sometimes I cannot help but be a bit bitter in my gratitude. I can’t stop thinking that, if only Ukraine has received at least a fraction of this attention and support in 2014, the Crimea, and Donbass regions would not have been captured by Russia.

Who knows, if we have got it just a week before the Russian invasion, maybe all of this destruction could have been prevented?

I am somewhat afraid that after Russian invasion in Ukraine stops being news, it will slowly fade in the background noise, the same way the Syrian war disappeared from the public mind.

Meanwhile, Ukraine needs all the help and support it can get. This is not only Ukrainian fight. Ukrainians are at the front-line defending the modern peaceful world order, where people can feel safe. Where it is out of the question for a country to get randomly invaded by an aggressive neighbour and the world in which war belongs to the history books.

There is going to be a walk for Ukraine in Saltash on Sunday at noon from both sides of Tamar Bridge, and some people are collecting humanitarian help too.

I am grateful for the support; I do believe that public involvement matters a lot for the outcomes of the war in Ukraine. That is why if you can, come to the Saltash walk, donate to the local Ukrainian charities, write to your PM, and just show that you care.

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