UK's creepiest Halloween attraction will open in a salvage yard containing 20,000 butchered mannequins

The UK's creepiest Halloween attraction is set to open in a salvage yard which has been transformed into a zombie cemetery featuring 20,000 butchered shop mannequins. Roz Edwards keeps the thousands of dumped dummies which she lovingly restores and sells or hires out for showbiz events. The 49-year-old has now transformed the salvage yard in Fulbeck, Lincs., where she keeps her bizarre collection into a ghoulish cemetery scene. Horror fans are being invited to take her "Awful Halloween Walk" over half-term. Most of the dummies have limbs missing while one creepy display shows several child dolls surrounding a zombie mannequin in a blonde wig. Other models have been covered in fake blood while holding up the heads of dismembered mannequins. Roz, who once hired a stack of dummies to Lady Gaga for a music video, is charging punters £23-a-head for the 10-minute walk which also features a horror movie show. She said: "They're being sold for pairs because it is safer walk around a mannequin graveyard with two people. "We're already almost completely sold out. "We're really looking forward to a very scary Halloween. "It's quite eerie when you drive through the yard and there are models some without arms, or heads piled up all around you." Roz owns over 20,000 dummies and sells them sometimes for over £600 each. The former retail consultant had lived in Malawi for ten years but found her business on the brink of failure when the recession hit. "I'm known as the mad mannequin woman and it just kind of grew until now I have over 20,000." She previously invited punters to a "drive-thru heist" where they could pay £50 to take as many mannequin body parts as they liked in 15 minutes.