'UK's version of Maldives' wows with tropical sandy beaches and incredible stargazing

Isle of Scilly
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

A quick 20-minute flight from a well-known English location can whisk you away to a tropical paradise (weather permitting, of course).

Despite the rise in popularity of staycations in recent years, many Brits still underestimate the beauty of their own country. Sure, it might rain and you probably won't return with a tan, but there's no need to travel halfway around the world for an unforgettable experience.

One such destination, which draws visitors from all corners, could easily be mistaken for a scene straight out of a Maldives postcard. Yet, you could be less than half an hour away from this paradise without even knowing it.

The Isle of Scilly, attracting approximately 125,000 visitors annually, is hardly a secret. However, many Brits remain unaware of this captivating archipelago just off the coast of Cornwall.

The entire island group is designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and its minimal light pollution makes it a stargazer's dream. You can visit the COSMOS Observatory for a glimpse of the Milky Way or simply gaze up at the dark sky for an unparalleled view of the stars.

The Isle of Scilly also offers excellent diving and snorkelling opportunities thanks to its crystal-clear waters and diverse marine life. Or, if you prefer to lounge on the beach, savour some delicious seafood, and unwind - you've come to the right place.

In the wake of a viral TikTok post, Brits are in awe of their proximity to this hidden gem. One stunned user blurted out: "I'm actually so speechless," Another chimed in with: "As if! I am going to research this so I can go. It looks insane."

A third quipped: "No way! My sister goes to Cornwall every year and has been here. Sending this to her right now, thanks." And a fourth raved: "This is one of our favourite places we've been to in the UK! It's so amazing."

Getting to the Isle of Scilly may involve hopping on a skybus which lifts off from Exeter, Newquay or Lands End airport. It's not light on the pocket though, with a round trip for July 1-8 setting you back a staggering £273 per person.

But fret not, there's a budget-friendly alternative of taking the ferry from Penzance harbour, ringing up at £172 for the same period. If time is on your side, you can score tickets on the Scillonian for just £35pp.

Island lodgings tend to be steep too and fill up fast. Yet, opting for a day-trip from Cornwall could help keep those purse strings in check.