The Ultimate 2024 Horoscope Prediction Guide, According to Celebrity Astrologer Kyle Thomas

While 2024 looks different for everyone, Kyle Thomas says the upcoming year "certainly promises more fun and surprises" for all — regardless of your zodiac sign



Next year could be your year!

With 2024 just days a way, it's time to gear up for a year that celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas tells PEOPLE "brings many opportunities for all zodiac signs" in various facets of their lives.

While 2024 will look different for each person — with some having "a bit more cosmic luck on their sides" when it comes to love, specifically — the year's impact will be determined based on everyone's respective zodiac signs.

Collectively, however, Thomas — who's known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers — says 2024 "certainly promises more fun, surprises, and chances to step outside of one’s comfort zone and change up their routine."

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Thomas' upcoming year's predictions derive from patterns based on "planetary movement," plus the stars' alignment with the sun and the moon. He says we will continue experiencing eclipses on the axis of Aries-Libra, so its corresponding themes "will be thrust center stage" regardless of your sign.

"This will certainly bring into focus 'me' versus 'we' energy," he explains. "The yin and yang of independence and partnership will be brought to the forefront of our lives as we seek to dance with a twin flame." He says this can "bring karmic partners" into our lives, but also have us "freed from them and redirected" if "not in truly equal and beautiful relationships."

These eclipses are expected to be felt predominantly during spring and autumn, though Thomas notes "they will echo out like a resounding bell" throughout the entire year. Also, most of 2024 will see Pluto venture into Aquarius, giving us a "taste what's to come" for the next 20 years!

Read on for what 2024 could mean for you based on zodiac sign, per Thomas' predictions.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Getty Aries.
Getty Aries.

Aries, pay attention! 2024 is "one of the most important years in nearly a decade for your relationships," according to Thomas. This is because of the powerful eclipses in your zodiac sign.

"In the first half of the year, you could feel especially sensual, intimate, and cuddly — or instead, more possessive," he explains. "In the second half of the year, you’ll feel more social."

Thomas says 2024 will have you "stepping into a new version" of yourself. Therefore, he suggests you find a "significant partner to mirror who you are becoming" — or perhaps the opposite, "leave them in the dust."

Fortunately, Thomas ensures you'll have many opportunities to strengthen your relationships due to these eclipses. This will bring about "fated moments" causing you to make long-term decisions like moving in, getting engaged or even tying the knot.

If you're single, Thomas says this "new you" energy can attract people with "long-term potential." If you're opting out of a relationship, don't fret! He says you'll likely be "redirected to other connections" instead.

Throughout 2024, expect "extreme growth" with friends and those in your social circle, which could "bring joy" to you whether you're in a romantic relationship or not. Though, he warns of "exes, old flames or romantic drama" at the year's end.

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Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

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Getty Taurus.

Thanks to Jupiter, the planet of luck, Thomas says Tauruses are in a "tremendously expansive and joyous phase of life" filled with fresh starts in 2024.

In fact, Thomas says this is "one of the most auspicious periods in twelve years to meet a soulmate, fall in love, have a child, get engaged or even wed!" Whether you are single or in a relationship, he says "many happy personal milestones" are sure to happen.

However, Thomas stresses "the key to making them manifest" is by "knowing your worth, embracing your authenticity and putting yourself out there" to meet a new partner or connect further with the one you're with. He also notes that travel could be "especially sweet" for you, too!

Although the time between 2021 and 2023 might've felt rocky or unstable regarding relationships, he says this "will not be as prominent" now; the second half of 2024 could even feel "a bit more possessive."

Thomas also notes that a "major event or situation involving a friend or soulmate" could take place in autumn. But thanks to Saturn, he says you'll be brought "life lessons around friendship" which could ground your social life and make it more practical.

As for times when you’ll feel "fired up, magnetic and sexy," Thomas says to look ahead towards early summer. The end of the year could bring about "big plans with family or domesticity," he adds.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

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Getty Gemini.

After nearly a decade-long wait, Thomas says Geminis have one of their best years ahead! Don't let the year's slow start get you down, rather use those months as a time to "reflect on your needs" or enjoy a moment of solitude.

Once June hits, however, Thomas says you'll be "standing center stage," with Jupiter — the planet of miracles — dancing through your zodiac sign for the rest of the year. This is "one of the luckiest periods of your life to see great happiness" in your life, regardless if you're in a relationship or not.

Thomas guarantees you'll experience "many new beginnings and adventures" when it comes to your mindset, and even travel! Important milestones, like "meeting a soulmate" or "having a child," may happen too.

If single, Thomas says this is an "extremely important time" to put yourself out there, especially if you're willing to venture outside of the "type" you typically attracted to. Thanks to the eclipses, he says "big moments" — specifically around love, fertility and friendships — will be highlighted, especially in springtime and autumn.

You could fall in and out of love, experience whiplash in your personal life, or notice that you’re meeting people who feel like karmic, past-life connections. Regardless, these energies will bring many important and memorable moments for you.

As for times when you’ll feel more ramped up and sexy, keep your eyes to the beginning of the year for intimate vibes and the middle of summer for when you’ll feel on top of the world!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Getty Cancer.
Getty Cancer.

The year to party and celebrate is here, Cancer! Thanks to Jupiter, Thomas says your "social circle, friendships, online dating and hopes" will be highlighted in 2024, especially in June.

"You will likely feel a deep sense of joy and gratitude for life as you are surrounded by many people who love and adore you," he says. "You could meet a soulmate through your network if single or even realize an acquaintance or friend you previously overlooked is what you’ve needed all along."

After June, Thomas says you might feel "more reflective, private and nostalgic" about your personal life and desires. While this isn't "the best energy" to meet someone new, he says "it can help" in reevaluating your needs, reconnecting you with someone from the past, or guiding you to closure.

Thomas says an eclipse in both spring and autumn will highlight your home, family and domestic life, which he says "could see you moving or stepping in to get closer with your kindred." Elsewhere in his predictions, Thomas says Mars "will bring a lot of speed and excitement" to your personal life.

The beginning of 2024 will have you "fired up to make long-term plans or find a partner," says Thomas — or rather, "conflict" might occur if there’s been underlying challenges.

Autumn will have you feeling "sexy and in charge," Thomas says, though warns that a Mars retrograde in your zodiac sign "could cause friction" or "stagnation" in relationships at the end of the year and into 2025.

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Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

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Getty Leo.

Leo, 2024 is looking like a pleasant year for you! While you still might feel that "intense energy" from Saturn and Pluto, Thomas says to "realize you’re moving toward a new era in your relationships" at the same time.

Saturn is teaching you "lessons around trust, vulnerability, intimacy, sensuality, and sexuality" he explains, while Pluto is "causing you to face the deep truths about what you do and don’t want in committed unions."

You've been building on those themes throughout the past year and that work will "echo" through 2026 and beyond. Notably, Thomas says Jupiter — the planet of expansion — will "dance into your sector of joy and friendship" after June, lasting through the rest of the year.

As a result, a "more active social life" is guaranteed. For example, Thomas says "soulmate friendships could come into your life or you could experience a great deal more popularity." (This might even happen through travel, if you can!)

Thomas notes your desire for partnership will likely be ignited due to Mars' energy, in addition to strengthen your desire to make long-term plans as winter turns to spring. Then, its energy will "fire up your sex appeal and drive" at the end of the year.

He warns, though, that Mars will retrograde in your zodiac sign, which "could dig up karmic issues around sex, passion, exes, or conflict" at that time, too.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

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Getty Virgo.

Lessons in your romantic and personal life will be learned in 2024, Virgo, so take note! Thanks to Pluto, however, these "lessons" are nothing new as you've been faced with "tough love" and "intensity" in these topics since 2008.

Thomas says "all or nothing" connections, fatal attractions, or obsessive love stories could have occurred during that time — but fortunately, that trend's end is near. Thomas says Pluto will "no longer have any further lessons to teach you" after 2024, so pay attention while you can.

You’ve likely "been facing a turning point" with commitment and union, assumes Thomas, noting that it will continue in 2024. For example, he says weak relationships could have "shattered" because the other half "didn't truly support you."

Thomas says you can foster this energy and put it towards a different wavelength — perhaps working to "get serious" and "build a foundation" with someone. If they're an older person, he says they may be able "to bring more stability" to your life.

"If you work on making your connection stronger now, it could stand the test of time!" says Thomas. Other factors to be aware of this year include travel, as it could "fan the flames of love," especially in June.

If you aren't in a relationship, Thomas says to consider dating outside your go-to "type," as you could find someone who "captivates your mind and spirit" instead. Your dating life, heart's desires and sex drive will be "fired up" through Valentine's Day, thanks to Mars' energy.

Thomas predicts this will make you "extremely popular" throughout autumn, bringing you "to attend more events, enjoy more time with friends or have more luck in online dating." He warns, though, that the year's end "could feel a bit slow" as you choose to stay home with your significant other — or the opposite, "choose solitude over intimacy."

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

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Getty Libra.

Be prepared to look destiny in the eye, Libra! Due to the various eclipses you experienced in your zodiac sign throughout 2023, Thomas says the 2024 stage is now set for your next journey.

One one hand, Thomas says this could cause alignment with a “destined and committed partner.” You might even make long-term plans, like “moving in” together or “getting engaged,” he adds.

However, if the spring creeps up and you haven’t yet found “the one,” Thomas says you may “find great luck in connecting with them” in the six months following the eclipse. As you put yourself, be yourself, he suggests.

If you’re in a relationship and feel called to leave your partner, Thomas says you are “being redirected to new horizons and a new life path.” Intimacy, trust, shared resources, and sexuality are also “potent for you” until June, he explains. If you’re going through a divorce or separation, Thomas predicts “a settlement may finally be reached.”

The year 2024 can also be a time you opt to switch up your dating patterns, thanks to Pluto, the planet of intensity. You might even see “a big change” around children or fertility, he says. Due to this planet’s intensity, Thomas says you might attract “all or nothing” romances, “fatal attractions” or “obsessive love stories.”

The flames of love will be fanned in the second half of 2024, with travel potentially fueling that fire. If you’re single, keep an open mind because “someone marvelous could enchant you,” he says. Lastly, the movement of Mars can “ignite your desire for union” — or instead, “cause friction to boil over in the middle of spring.”

The very end of the year can bring “friendships, a wild social life and popularity online,” predicts Thomas. “But be aware that an ex, old flame, or someone who you had a passionate fling with could be coming back at that time and demanding answers.”

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

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Getty Scorpio.

Get ready, Scorpio, this year is going to be exciting! According to Thomas, “2024 could truly be the year that you feel your greatest union in partnerships.”

And you have Jupiter to thank! The planet of luck and miracles will dance across the sky until June, which Thomas says will “help you to grow in relationships, make long-term promises and plans, or even get engaged or be wed.”

If single, keep your hopes high! Thomas predicts “good luck in attracting a soulmate partner who mirrors you perfectly in the ways you’ve always needed.” While 2021 through 2023 might’ve been a whirlwind, he says things should “be on the upswing” now.

Keep in mind that Saturn, though, will simultaneously be bringing “life lessons” to you in dating, romance, true love, fertility or children. While this could make those areas “harder to attain or enjoy them,” Thomas says it might also “help you to get realistic” and “lay down a more solid foundation.”

In the second half of the year, Thomas says Jupiter will move into you sector of trust, sexuality, shared assets and intimacy, further enhancing your connection. “This does not favor singles or those casually dating,” he notes. “Only those in committed rapports.”

Lastly, the movement of Mars “will bring passion, a high libido, and opportunities for animalistic zest” in early spring. Later, it will either “turn your attention to partnership” or “cause tension to boil up” throughout the early half of the summer.

The eclipse energy in early autumn “could trigger a turning point around love” or even “align you with a soulmate.” Pay attention, Thomas suggests! 

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Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

<p>Getty</p> Sagittarius.



Things are looking in your favor this year, Sagittarius! In fact, Thomas says 2024 is "a major year for your personal life" thanks to significant planetary movement.

First and foremost, Jupiter — the planet of expansion and luck — will cross you in the sky after May, potentially attracting "a soulmate connection" or causing you "to grow in your established union." Long-term plans could be made at this time, like a move-in or an engagement.

If you and your partner decide "the spark is gone" and to go your separate ways, Thomas says you'll "ultimately thrive better with more freedom." He notes that you will also be experiencing a "powerful turning point" of events around "true love, passion, romance, children or fertility" due to the 2024 eclipses.

Thomas says this could "cause you to align with a soulmate, fall in or out of love or make eternal memories that live in your heart forever."

At the same time, Thomas says you might even bring a "platonic soulmate" into your life — even "realizing that you're in love with a friend." The eclipses are "favoring you more than not" in the new year.

Lastly, Thomas says Mars "will ignite your sex drive and hunger for romance" towards the middle and end of spring. Partnership matters "for better or worse" will be highlighted in late summer. He warns, though, the end of the year "could be slow" as Mercury retrograde occurs in your sign, likely causing "confusion and delays in your life."

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

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Getty Capricorn.

Get ready to feel the magic, Capricorn, because the fire is about to be ignited in your heart! Thank Jupiter, the planet of miracles and luck, which Thomas says will "dance into your sector of passion."

Because of this, Thomas predicts "fortune and blessings around true love, romance, dating, fertility or children" could be brought your way. He says this is an "excellent time" to put yourself out there if you're single, noting "you could truly find 'the one.'" If committed, he says you could "reignite your spark" and "enjoy each other even more."

Thomas emphases the importance of "making time for love," especially while the "energy favors you" until June. He warns you: Don't let it "go to waste" because you won't experience it again for nearly twelve years!

Romance aside, Thomas says that a "turning point" around home, family or domesticity "may manifest" around the spring, like "a change in residence or need to step in for your kindred."

At the turn of the year, he says to be aware of Mars' movement! This is because it will "ignite your zodiac sign" until Valentine’s Day, "making you hot, in charge and magnetic." Thomas says "your sex drive will likely fire up" too!

Later in the year, Thomas says your dating life "could see passion and primal lust" in the first half of summer — though once autumn hits, he says "your attention will be entirely on relationships and intimacy." He adds, "At that time you will likely see where you stand with a union."

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Getty Aquarius.
Getty Aquarius.

You're about to have many realizations in 2024, Aquarius. Thomas says this is because you are "getting acquainted" with Pluto energizing your sign, though he notes it "might feel like a rough fit" at first.

Thomas predicts you'll get the urge to "radically release yourself from patterns and behaviors in your relationships and personal life." If that's not the case, you might "be noticing that you’re feeling more dominant, possessive, obsessive, magnetic or even sexual" instead. This energy might be felt in 2024 and stay for the next twenty years," he says.

Outside of romance, Thomas says Jupiter — the planet of miracles — is moving through your domain of domesticity, home and family" which could "bring more peace and happiness" to those areas. If you decide to move, he predicts you'll "surely enjoy it and capture a residence with a touch of magic."

While this energy is likely to stick around until June, Thomas says "fireworks will be igniting within your heart" as Jupiter ventures into your "sector of passion" from then until the end of the year. He says this ensures "bliss and growth" around true love, romance, dating, fertility or children.

A lot can happen if you're single, like finding a soulmate "who dazzles you and changes your life forever." The year 2024 may also bring opportunities your way, whether you're in a relationship or not. If you have kids, or are seeking to have kids, Thomas says "you may now have luck."

Lastly, Thomas says the movement of Mars will likely "amp up your charisma and confidence" after Valentine’s Day for six weeks, while your romantic life could get "especially fiery" in late summer. Thomas warns of "challenges, delays or confusion around partners and friendships" towards the year's end.

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

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Getty Pisces.

This will finally feel like a solid year, Pisces, thanks to Saturn continuing to orbit in your zodiac sign in 2024 through 2026. If you are feeling like there’s a great deal of weight on your shoulders, Thomas says you need to "buckle down" and focus on your own needs.

This can be done through adventure, as Jupiter — the planet of expansion — will be "encouraging you to travel and socialize until June," Thomas says. You may even find that your "friendships grow" as you end up "meeting new people," regardless if you're single or in a relationship.

Jupiter also moves into your domestic zone during this time, which Thomas says can "bring luck to your home and family." He adds, "You may also move to a wider and more joyous residence."

There's a "powerful eclipse" that will spotlight Pisces in autumn, which Thomas says can cause a "major turning point in a significant relationship" for those in this zodiac sign: "This focuses especially on you getting your way and embracing your authenticity."

Lastly, Thomas says the movement of Mars will "ignite your magnetism, energy and libido in the first half of spring," while dating and many adventures are likely to occur in the beginning of autumn. "Just note that challenges or confusion around desires could begin at the end of the year," he adds.

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