What are ultra-processed foods? Review finds 32 harmful effects to health

A processed foodstuff will typically have at least five ingredients  (Dominic Lipinski / PA)
A processed foodstuff will typically have at least five ingredients (Dominic Lipinski / PA)

A review has found that ultra-processed foods (UPF) are directly linked to 32 harmful effects to health, including a higher risk of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, adverse mental health and early death.

The world's largest review, published in the BMJ, comes as global consumption of UPF, such as cereals, protein bars, fizzy drinks, ready meals and fast food, rapidly increases.

In the UK and US, more than half of the average diet now consists of ultra-processed food.

The review, involving almost 10 million people, suggest diets high in UPF may be harmful to many elements of health.

Researchers say there is a need for measures to target and reduce exposure to them.

The review involved experts from a number of leading institutions, including Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in the US, the University of Sydney, and Sorbonne University in France.

Writing in the BMJ, they concluded: “Overall, direct associations were found between exposure to ultra-processed foods and 32 health parameters spanning mortality, cancer, and mental, respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and metabolic health outcomes.”

They added: “Greater exposure to ultra-processed food was associated with a higher risk of adverse health outcomes, especially cardiometabolic, common mental disorders and mortality outcomes.

“These findings provide a rationale to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of using population-based and public-health measures to target and reduce dietary exposure to ultra-processed foods for improved human health.”

The researchers graded the evidence as convincing, highly suggestive, suggestive, weak, or no evidence. They also assessed the quality of evidence as high, moderate, low, or very low.

Convincing evidence showed that higher UPF intake was associated with about a 50 per cent increased risk of cardiovascular disease-related death, a 48 per cent to 53 per cent higher risk of anxiety and common mental disorders, and a 12 per cent greater risk of type 2 diabetes.

Highly suggestive evidence also indicated that higher PF intake was associated with a 21 per cent greater risk of death from any cause, a 40 per cent to 66 per cent increased risk of heart disease related death, obesity, type 2 diabetes and sleep problems, and a 22 per cent increased risk of depression.

There was also evidence for associations between UPF and asthma, gastrointestinal health, some cancers and cardiometabolic risk factors, such as high blood fats and low levels of ‘good’ cholesterol, though the researchers cautioned that evidence for these links are limited.

Researchers also noted several limitations to the umbrella review, including that they couldn’t rule out the possibility that other unmeasured factors and variations in assessing UPF intake may have influenced their results.

Experts not involved in the research also highlighted that much of the research included in review was weak and that the findings do not prove cause and effect.

However, Dr Chris van Tulleken, an associate professor at University College London and one of the world’s leading UPF experts, said the findings were “entirely consistent” with a now “enormous number of independent studies which clearly link a diet high in UPF to multiple damaging health outcomes including early death”.

“We have good understanding of the mechanisms by which these foods drive harm,” he added. “In part it is because of their poor nutritional profile – they are often high in saturated fat, salt and free sugar.

What are ultra-processed foods?

The British Heart Foundation defines ultra-processed food as products that “typically have five or more ingredients” and have “industrial substances” such as preservatives, emulsifiers, sweeteners and artificial flavours.

Examples include sausages, ice cream, breakfast cereals, fizzy drinks, ready-made meals, and spirits, including gin, rum and whisky, because of the distillation after fermentation.

The only sure way to find out whether a product is ultra-processed is by looking at the packaging label. If you see a long list of ingredients that you don’t recognise, it will be heavily processed. Other red flags include high fat, sugar and salt content, a suspiciously long shelf life (with the exception of UHT milk), and aggressively strong branding.

Those who consumed these foods on a regular basis had a 28 per cent faster rate of cognitive decline, according to a JAMA report.

For the minimum recommendation of 2,000 calories a day, eating 400 calories in ultra-processed foods would hit the 20 per cent limit.

Which foods are best for cognitive function?

Mediterranean diets have been noted for possibly reducing dementia risks, according to the Alzheimer’s Society.

There is some evidence that unprocessed foods, such as fruit, vegetables and legumes, help reduce the chance of developing memory and reasoning problems later in life.

The typical Mediterranean diet is also low in red meat, sugar and saturated fats such as butter, lard, and ghee.

Antioxidants from fruit and vegetables can prevent or delay certain types of cell damage to the brain.

Along with higher levels of protein, inflammation caused by chemical changes in the brain’s immune system can also be reduced.

Studies have shown that this lifestyle is associated with lower rates of heart attacks, type 2 diabetes, and strokes.

Can ultra-processed foods be good for you?

Top nutrition experts have claimed that it is wrong to give all ultra-processed items a bad name. The British Nutrition Foundation says that foods like baked beans, fishfingers, and wholemeal bread can all form part of a healthy diet when eaten in moderation.

Other items that are said to be fine as part of a healthy diet are wholegrain cereals, fruit yoghurts, and tomato-based pasta sauces.

The BNF charity said: “They are a source of ‘important nutrients’, as well as being ‘convenient and affordable’.”

What are the signs of dementia?

The following symptoms are signs of declining cognitive function, which can be caused by cellular damage to the brain:

  • Memory loss of recent events

  • Issues with thinking or reasoning, including an inability to follow conversations

  • Inexplicable mood swings

  • Feelings of disorientation, even in familiar environments

These are not normal signs of ageing and, if you have these symptoms, you should see a GP or practitioner.

What are ultra-processed foods?

The British Heart Foundation defines ultra-processed food as products that “typically have five or more ingredients” and have “industrial substances” such as preservatives, emulsifiers, sweeteners and artificial flavours.

Examples include sausages, ice cream, breakfast cereals, fizzy drinks, ready-made meals, and spirits, including gin, rum and whisky, because of the distillation after fermentation.

The only sure way to find out whether a product is ultra-processed is by looking at the packaging label. If you see a long list of ingredients that you don’t recognise, it will be heavily processed. Other red flags include high fat, sugar and salt content, a suspiciously long shelf life (with the exception of UHT milk), and aggressively strong branding.

Those who consumed these foods on a regular basis had a 28 per cent faster rate of cognitive decline, according to a JAMA report.

For the minimum recommendation of 2,000 calories a day, eating 400 calories in ultra-processed foods would hit the 20 per cent limit.

Which foods are best for cognitive function?

Mediterranean diets have been noted for possibly reducing dementia risks, according to the Alzheimer’s Society.

There is some evidence that unprocessed foods, such as fruit, vegetables and legumes, help reduce the chance of developing memory and reasoning problems later in life.

The typical Mediterranean diet is also low in red meat, sugar and saturated fats such as butter, lard, and ghee.

Antioxidants from fruit and vegetables can prevent or delay certain types of cell damage to the brain.

Along with higher levels of protein, inflammation caused by chemical changes in the brain’s immune system can also be reduced.

Studies have shown that this lifestyle is associated with lower rates of heart attacks, type 2 diabetes, and strokes.

Can ultra-processed foods be good for you?

Top nutrition experts have claimed that it is wrong to give all ultra-processed items a bad name. The British Nutrition Foundation says that foods like baked beans, fishfingers, and wholemeal bread can all form part of a healthy diet when eaten in moderation.

Other items that are said to be fine as part of a healthy diet are wholegrain cereals, fruit yoghurts, and tomato-based pasta sauces.

The BNF charity said: “They are a source of ‘important nutrients’, as well as being ‘convenient and affordable’.”

What are the signs of dementia?

The following symptoms are signs of declining cognitive function, which can be caused by cellular damage to the brain:

  • Memory loss of recent events

  • Issues with thinking or reasoning, including an inability to follow conversations

  • Inexplicable mood swings

  • Feelings of disorientation, even in familiar environments

These are not normal signs of ageing and, if you have these symptoms, you should see a GP or practitioner.