UN decolonisation committee accused of colonialism over Falklands

Pictured: Soldiers celebrate the news of the Argentine surrender on 14 June 1982
Soldiers celebrate the news of the Argentine surrender on June 14 1982 - Getty Images

The United Nations decolonisation committee has been accused of colonialism by the Falkland Islands after it suggested the UK and Argentina should begin fresh talks over their ownership.

Falklands residents appeared in New York on Tuesday to argue that they have the right to remain British, and called for an end to the demand that they “return to Argentine hands”.

Two island representatives said the UN had helped a “power with colonial ambitions” by supporting negotiations over their future, despite a referendum that showed almost all residents want to be connected to the UK.

The UK has repeatedly denied requests by Argentina to start talks on the islands, describing the issue as “not up for discussion”.

But the UN, which has not changed its position on the issue since 1965, passed another resolution last year calling for the “resumption of negotiations” to find “a peaceful solution to the sovereignty dispute”.

The issue is managed by the special committee on decolonisation which hears claims by various states known as “non-self-governing territories”.

Teslyn Barkman, a member of the islands’ legislative assembly, appeared at the committee on Tuesday to demand the UN drops its support for talks.

“Requesting [that] the UK and Argentina talk bilaterally about our future is colonial,” she said.

“Setting a table for our former colonial power and a power with colonial ambitions over us was suggested in 1965. In the modern setting, this request is neo-colonialism.”

Support ‘self-determination’

Pointing to the result of the referendum, Ms Barkman said the “only neutral position” for the UN to take would be to support “self-determination”.

“We are too small and too threatened to be independent, and we don’t wish to be,” she said.

Gavin Short, another representative, said that the islands’ “basic right” to choose its own future was “coming under attack”.

“This is not about Argentina nor Britain – this is about us,” he said. “Only we can say what happens in and to our country.”

“If anyone thinks for one moment that they can take these basic human rights away from us, and put us back in a real colonial situation, then they will have to get past me first.”

Javier Milei, Argentina’s president, issued a fresh call for talks with the UK shortly after his election in December.

In April, he said he wanted to establish a “roadmap” for the islands to “return to Argentine hands”.

The dispute has become a totemic issue for Argentine politicians, who are often asked during elections whether they believe the islands should be retaken.

Mr Milei said during his own campaign that he would “make every effort to recover the islands through diplomatic channels”.

‘Valued part of the British family’

Lord Cameron, the Foreign Secretary, described the Falklands on a visit in February as a “valued part of the British family”.

“We are clear that as long as they want to remain part of the family, the issue of sovereignty will not be up for discussion,” he said.

The Ministry of Defence retains a presence on the islands, including four RAF Typhoons, a Royal Navy patrol vessel and three Sky Sabre surface-to-air missile batteries.

Argentina’s claim is supported by some of its allies, including several South American countries and China, while Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, has described the Falklands War as “an offensive against Argentina”.

Some countries, including Venezuela, have used their membership of the UN’s decolonisation committee to support Argentina’s claim, while others have supported the UK.

The UN takes no position on the sovereignty issue but supports talks, while the US is neutral. A US State Department spokesman said the Biden administration supports cooperation between the UK and Argentina on “practical matters”.