Unlock 'shiny and beautiful hair' using expert's simple cold water method

Rear view of a woman taking a shower
-Credit: (Image: (Image: Getty))

Regardless of your current hairstyle or type, most people desire 'shiny and beautiful' locks.

Finding a routine that suits you can be challenging, and sometimes the methods you use to achieve lustrous hair can leave it looking flat and dull.

However, a hair health expert has revealed how the type of water you use on your hair wash day can make a significant difference.

TikToker @alexiszander_ took to the video sharing app to explain "the science behind washing your hair with cold water".

"Have you heard that you should wash your hair in cold water?" she asked. She explained that the science behind why cold water is best is "basic", reassuring viewers not to worry - if they follow her advice, their hair will look luxurious.

"When heat comes in contact with your hair, it actually opens up your cuticle," she disclosed. "This is why sometimes when we do hair treatments, we use heat. It opens up the cuticle, so when we're doing a chemical or condition treatment, it will further penetrate and get inside that hair strand".

She then clarified that cold water is the best to wash your hair with as it does the "opposite" of hot water, which means it closes the cuticle. "So, if you end your shower with cold water, this will cause the cuticle to close, and when everything is flat, the light can reflect off of your hair," Allie shared.

She concluded her video by explaining that this is how you achieve "really shiny and beautiful" hair. In the comments, users expressed their gratitude for the tip, with one saying they were going "to shower right now" to see if it works.

Another quipped: "There's no hot water in my house at the moment I have no choice but to use cold water."