Urgent warning to anyone using a BBQ this weekend

With temperatures rising across the Midlands, an urgent warning has been issued to anyone planning a weekend BBQ. Health experts said they can be a "breeding ground for bacteria and other harmful germs".

Jabraan Ahmed, a food safety expert from Saffron Alley, said it was "crucial" to give the barbecue a thorough clean before use. Failure to do so could see food contaminated with foodborne bacteria, such as Salmonella and E. coli, which could lead to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

He said: "A dirty barbecue can be a breeding ground for bacteria and other harmful germs. Leftover grease and food debris from previous cookouts can harbour bacteria, which can contaminate fresh food. Additionally, carbon build-up can affect the taste of your food and impact the grill's performance." You'll find his top cleaning tips below.

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How do I clean my BBQ?

First of all, you need to have the right equipment. You'll need a stiff-bristle grill brush (preferably brass or stainless steel), mild dish soap, baking soda and white vinegar, rubber gloves, a bucket, sponges and for those with gas grills, toothpicks or wire for burner cleaning.

Prepare the Grill

Any excess debris should be removed from grates with a stiff brush. For gas grills, turn the burners to high for 10-15 minutes to burn off excess grease. For charcoal grills, empty the ashes and dispose of them properly.

Clean the Grates

Once the grill has cooled down slightly, use the grill brush to scrub away burnt residue. The grates could also be removed and soaked in warm, soapy water before scrubbing. For stubborn build-up, use baking soda and water to make a paste, apply it to the grates, and leave for 10 minutes before scrubbing.

Tackle the Interior

When the grates have been removed, scrape the interior walls to clear out grease build-up. Use a damp cloth, dipped in warm, soapy water, to wipe down the interior. For gas grills, check the burner tubes for clogs and clean with a toothpick or wire.

Focus on the Exterior

Warm, soapy water or a vinegar solution should be used to wipe down the lid and exterior surfaces.

Rinse and Dry

To avoid leaving residue, rinse all soapy surfaces thoroughly and dry all components completely before reassembling. Clean the grill after each use by brushing the grates and empty the drip tray regularly to prevent grease build-up.